Object Storage Kodo

Qiniu Cloud Mass Storage System (Kodo) is a self-developed unstructured data storage management platform that supports central and edge storage. After years of large-scale user verification, the platform has become one of the advanced technologies, and is widely used in various scenarios of massive data management.
Storage type
Standard storage

Object storage service with high reliability, availability and performance

Applicable scenarios: Design applications, content sharing, hot objects

Design reliability: 99.9999999999% (11 9s)

Data access: real-time access

Minimum storage time: None

Object minimum measurement: none

Data retrieval fee: None

Low frequency access storage

Real time access storage services with high reliability, high availability and low cost

Applicable scenarios: Network disk application, government and enterprise data backup, monitoring

Design reliability: 99.9999999999% (11 9s)

Data access: real-time access

Minimum storage time: 30 days

Object minimum metering: 64 KB

Data retrieval fee: charged according to the amount of data actually obtained

Intelligent Tiered Storage

Highly reliable, support automatic cost saving storage services based on access mode

Applicable scenarios: Data with unknown or changing access patterns, such as data lakes, data analytics, new applications, and user generated content.

Design reliability: 99.9999999999% (11 9s)

Data access: real-time access

Minimum storage time: None

Object minimum measurement: none

Data retrieval fee: None

Archive direct read storage

Archive data storage service with high reliability, low cost and real-time access

Applicable scenarios: Data lake, cloud album, media asset archive and other data

Design reliability: 99.9999999999% (11 9s)

Data access: real-time access

Minimum storage time: 60 days

Object minimum metering: 64 KB

Data retrieval fee: charged according to the amount of data actually obtained

archival storage

Low cost, highly reliable archive data storage service

Applicable scenarios: Archives data, medical images, scientific materials

Design reliability: 99.9999999999% (11 9s)

Data access: unfreeze before access (1~5 minutes)

Minimum storage time: 60 days

Object minimum metering: 64 KB

Data retrieval fee: charged according to the actual unfrozen data

Deep archive storage

Highly reliable deep archive data storage service with the lowest unit price

Applicable scenarios: Compliance data cold archiving, media resources super long retention

Design reliability: 99.9999999999% (11 9s)

Data access: unfreeze before access (5~12 hours)

Minimum storage time: 180 days

Object minimum metering: 64 KB

Data retrieval fee: charged according to the actual unfrozen data

Product advantages

High reliability

The industry-leading erasure code storage scheme can provide data reliability of up to 11 nines. The replica redundancy across data centers can guarantee the ultra-high availability of services.


Easy to expand

With the object storage of Qiniu Cloud, your storage space is unlimited and you don't need to worry about expansion. You can achieve elastic scaling of storage requirements, thus improving business flexibility.


low cost

You don't need early investment. The convenience of using and paying on demand of Qiniu Cloud object storage can effectively avoid idle waste of storage and bandwidth resources.


Data intelligence

In close collaboration with other products of Qiniu Cloud, it provides standard HDFS access methods, and makes a lot of optimization for massive high-speed read/write scenarios of big data and machine learning.


Storage acceleration

Edge storage can make full use of available link bandwidth, and data upload and download at edge nodes can be accelerated by more than 60% on average.


Edge computing

Integrate edge computing and edge cache services nearby, and the edge storage node has local data processing capability.

Core functions and services

Multimedia data processing

Based on object storage, you can complete picture processing and audio and video processing in one stop


Cross regional synchronization

Cross regional synchronization enables users to efficiently migrate and synchronize data in different storage areas through simple operations, and achieve data disaster recovery in different places


Life cycle management

Life cycle management enables users to formulate rules for storage space according to business needs, and storage objects can be automatically converted or deleted at regular intervals


Intelligent Tiered Storage

Data can be automatically moved to the most affordable access layer based on access frequency, thus automatically reducing your storage costs at the fine-grained object level without performance impact, retrieval costs or operational overhead.


Mirrored storage

Image storage is applicable to migrating existing data of the original business system. It can help users achieve seamless data migration, and the migration process does not affect the access of the original business system



For different upload/download scenarios, Qiniu Cloud provides a wealth of API interfaces and tools for users to use, supports server side upload and client side direct transfer, and provides acceleration services

Applicable scenarios

    Scenario description

    Enterprise customers can choose to deploy Qiniu Cloud object storage system privately. Based on the experience of public cloud storage, private cloud storage solutions have the characteristics of high reliability, strong security, easy expansion, etc. At the same time, it can also provide mature system management and operation and maintenance, so that enterprises can meet the demand for capacity, performance and stability with lower product and maintenance costs.

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    Scenario description

    For scenarios with massive user generated content, the high concurrency of Qiniu Cloud object storage service enables you to flexibly respond to business scenarios with large traffic. You can process images, audio and video files stored in the cloud.

    Scenario description

    Faced with the business scenario of hot resource distribution such as videos and games, you can use Qiniu Cloud object storage as the source station, and use Qiniu Cloud CDN to accelerate distribution, so that you can access resources nearby through CDN nodes and improve the user experience.

    Scenario description

    Qiniu Cloud has made in-depth optimization for the scenario of massive data with high concurrency, and realized the conversion from object storage access protocol to HDFS protocol. Compared with the traditional Hadoop scheme, users can obtain better reading and analysis performance, stronger stability and better scalability.

    Scenario description

    Qiniu Cloud provides a highly available and reliable storage solution to backup and archive users' key data. Users can set different access permissions and levels to ensure data access security. Compared with the traditional self built scheme, users do not need to purchase expensive hardware, worry about expansion, security and other issues, thus saving more storage, maintenance, and labor costs.

    Scenario description

    Qiniu Cloud seamlessly integrates various third-party extension plug-ins, such as WordPress, Discuz, Emlog, etc., and supports one click hosting of static resources in various plug-ins to Qiniu.

    Scenario description

    Qiniu Cloud edge storage services deploy services at large-scale edge nodes and user side, accelerate data storage to the edge, and ultimately save persistent data to the center, effectively solving industry pain points such as poor data upload links and low bandwidth utilization, and reducing local storage costs.

    Product Dynamics


    new function

    Archive direct read storage type goes online

    It is suitable for long-term storage of data requiring very low frequency real-time reading.

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    new function

    The transmission acceleration function is online!

    Transmission acceleration provides an end-to-end acceleration scheme for cloud storage Internet upload and download.

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    new function

    Real time transcoding function has been launched

    Instant broadcast, instant transfer, and second level broadcast provide users with a new transcoding experience.

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    new function

    Intelligent tiered storage is online

    Support automatic cost saving storage service based on access mode

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    View All Dynamics>

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