Qiniu Cloud Partner Application Process
  • 1. Register a Qiniu Cloud account
  • 2. Enterprise real name authentication
  • 3. Complete partner qualification certification
  • 4. Become a partner of Qiniu Cloud
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Partner Architecture
Proxy Partner
terms for cooperation

Sales companies, enterprise service providers, or webmasters, creative service communities, developer communities, etc. who have certain customer service experience, agree with the service value of Qiniu brand, and are willing to actively promote Qiniu Cloud related products.

Cooperation direction

Standard, elite, strategic partner, regional customer service center.

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SI Partner
terms for cooperation

Have system integration qualification, focus on certain industries or vertical fields for a long time, have certain customer resources and scheme integration ability, and be able to promote Qiniu's products and services.

Cooperation direction

Industry development and scheme integration.

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ISV Partner
terms for cooperation

Have certain software development ability, focus on certain industries or vertical fields for a long time, and have the ability to develop industrial products or solutions that can be promoted on a large scale relying on the core technology and platform advantages of Qiniu.

Cooperation direction

Industry development and cooperative product development.

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Partnership equity
Training support Standard grade Elite Strategic level
Online product training support
On site professional technical training
Customized training for high-end customers
technical support
Project architecture technical support
Project test support
Exclusive Product/Portfolio
Marketing support
Customer Salon
Agency partner licensing
Qiniuyun Ecosphere Sharing Activity
Qiniu experts support partner brand activities
Training support Standard grade Elite Strategic level
Online product training support
On site professional technical training
Customized training for high-end customers
Project architecture technical support
Project test support
Exclusive Product/Portfolio
 WeChat consultation
WeChat consultation
Telephone consultation
Intelligent customer service