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Current location: home page > Building knowledge >Garden design

Modern courtyard design presents a "sense of sophistication" everywhere, an ideal leisure place for every urbanite

Modern courtyard design presents a "sense of sophistication" everywhere, an ideal leisure place for every urbanite
Reading: 4124


100 ㎡ modern "garden courtyard" design, a courtyard, let you feel the quality of life

100 ㎡ modern "garden courtyard" design, a courtyard, let you feel the quality of life
Reading: 3969


Chinese style, Japanese style and European style courtyard, which of the three most popular courtyard design styles do you choose

Chinese style, Japanese style and European style courtyard, which of the three most popular courtyard design styles do you choose
Reading: 4997


Turn the courtyard: the courtyard is still the most beautiful in Chinese style. It's not boring to see the courtyard built like this

Turn the courtyard: the courtyard is still the most beautiful in Chinese style. It's not boring to see the courtyard built like this
Reading: 3163


The terrace is transformed, and a secret garden belongs to you!

The terrace is transformed, and a secret garden belongs to you!
Reading: 2707


Create a courtyard garden and watch the scenery quietly. Netizens directly say: envy!

Create a courtyard garden and watch the scenery quietly. Netizens directly say: envy!
Reading: 2861


Install a "home garden" at home, and you can see the scenery at home. Such a design is enviable!

Install a "home garden" at home, and you can see the scenery at home. Such a design is enviable!
Reading: 2371


Which of the two popular courtyard designs is more beautiful?

Which of the two popular courtyard designs is more beautiful?
Reading: 4021


Special recommendation