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Current location: home page > Building knowledge >The terrace is transformed, and a secret garden belongs to you!

The terrace is transformed, and a secret garden belongs to you!

2021-06-07 16:15:47 two thousand six hundred and ninety-seven one hundred and fifty-eight

There is a terrace at home. As long as you decorate it according to your own wishes, it belongs to your small world, so that everyone who comes here can feel the vitality and vitality of nature.


It is better to waterproof the terrace before transformation, only in this way can we harvest a secret garden of our own!


Put your heart down, let yourself go, sit on the terrace, drink tea and read books, and find inspiration for the garden from books.


Anti corrosion wooden flower box is placed on the anti-corrosion wooden floor of the terrace. Maybe the picture is not clear enough. Direct filling is not recommended, and the impact is huge.



Large French windows are designed, and the bottom is decorated with traditional hollow grids, which is beautiful and practical.


For wooden flower boxes with low corrosion resistance and good moisture-proof effect, the current production process is the most mature. The purpose of anti-corrosion wooden flower boxes is to protect the service life of solid wood in outdoor life.



Among the paving materials of the floor, floor tiles, anti-corrosion wood, pebbles, etc. can be selected. The effect is very good!


A long table on the terrace can not only have a romantic dinner with your lover in the vast sky, but also invite three or five friends to have dinner together!


There are flowers and plants on the railing and lightning rods on the wall. One by one, the garden witnessed all the joys of life.



The floor is covered with antiseptic wood or composite wood, which is the space for expanding the use of the house. Plant flowers and plants to become the back garden!
