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Current location: home page > Building knowledge >Create a courtyard garden and watch the scenery quietly. Netizens directly say: envy!

Create a courtyard garden and watch the scenery quietly. Netizens directly say: envy!

2021-06-07 16:10:14 two thousand eight hundred and fifty-five one hundred and fifty-eight

Create a garden full of charm. Give the courtyard a new sense of experience. You can not only enjoy the cool and pleasant indoor space, but also enjoy the plants in the sun. You can sit on the chair, shake your legs, and watch the scenery quietly. The netizen said, "Envy!"!


Garden color matching is elegant and simple, giving people a simple and quiet feeling. Any material that is matched and fully integrated into the garden environment is the best material.


The path is part of the garden. Only when the materials used are consistent with the surrounding environment and architectural style and temperament can they appear natural and harmonious.



According to the design scheme, the garden is divided into four categories: vegetables, perennial flowers, succulents and aquatic plants, totaling more than 20 kinds.



Because the garden is very small, it must use a variety of plants to make the space appear rich.




When paving large stones on the garden road, the ground must be tamped and fixed with concrete. Otherwise, when walking in rainy days, the mud under the stone will splash on clothes and shoes. Moreover, the elderly and children at home are easy to fall down when they are shaking stones.




The common green barrier not only serves as a separation from other yards, but also means the safety of family members. Through the green barrier, the space restriction of each area of the family is realized, so that people can obtain the relevant domain.

Special recommendation