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How to choose good paint without being cheated?

2021-05-27 17:40:23 two thousand one hundred and eight one hundred and fifty-eight

Paint is traditionally called paint in China. It is applied on the surface of objects, and the coating mainly has four functions: protection, decoration, and covering up product defects, so as to enhance the product value.

Coatings generally consist of four basic components: film-forming substances (resins and emulsions), pigments (including incremental pigments), solvents and additives (additives).

According to the main film-forming substances used in coatings, coatings can be divided into oily coatings, fiber coatings, synthetic coatings and inorganic coatings.

We can learn from the following six aspects.

Covering power : The larger the weight, the smaller the covering power; Viscosity: viscosity affects workability;

fineness : The fineness directly affects the smoothness and gloss of the coating surface; Durability: including frost resistance, washing resistance and aging resistance;

Alkali resistance : The decorative object of paint is generally alkaline material, so alkali resistance is also an important feature;

Minimum film forming temperature : Each coating has a minimum film forming temperature, and different coatings have different minimum film forming temperatures.


Most solvent based coatings and organic solvents contain benzene and its compounds. Under normal temperature, benzene is a colorless liquid with special aromatic smell, known as "aromatic killer". It was identified as a strong carcinogen by WHO. After a large amount of absorption in a short time, people with mild dizziness, headache, nausea, chest tightness and fatigue, as well as people with severe coma and even respiratory failure symptoms will die. Benzene is mainly irritating to skin, eyes and upper respiratory tract. Frequent exposure to benzene may lead to dry skin, allergic eczema, and even bald hair.

Indoor coatings are mainly divided into water-based coatings and solvent based coatings. Solvent based coatings are the main pollutants, and the use of environmentally friendly water-based coatings can completely eliminate the worry of coating pollution.

Most wall coatings on the market use water-based emulsion paint, but solvent based coatings are still widely used in furniture coatings.



Furniture paint

After the main building is completed, the next step is decoration. Whether indoors or outdoors, painting is an important step. But most people do not know much about the toxicity of building materials, especially the toxicity of coatings.

Many people believe that the toxicity of paint can be volatilized in a short time, and there is no harm in a few weeks. In fact, this is wrong. At room temperature, the volatilization of toxic substances requires a long process. If long-term exposure to a small amount of toxic substances, it is easy to cause chronic diseases.

Toxicity control of coatings refers to the process of continuous development with technological progress compared with similar products. So good paint products should be low toxic, not non-toxic.

So how do we choose good paint products?


When purchasing paint, we can clearly see two important indicators from the product packaging, instructions and test reports, one is the number of brush resistance, the other is VOC (volatile organic compounds) and formaldehyde content. The former represents not only the cleanability of the coating, but also the water resistance, alkali resistance and toughness of the coating. The latter is the environmental health indicator of coatings. Generally speaking, the lower the VOC and formaldehyde content indicators, the better.


Smell the paint you want to buy. The smaller the taste, the better. Smell and gently fan the paint with your hands, but do not smell hard, which may lead to dizziness and nausea. If you smell a pungent fragrance, it is recommended not to buy it.

The real odor removal coating only has a slight coating smell, rather than masking the smell by adding spices. And really good paint doesn't smell.


The quality of the paint film can be distinguished by touching the paint sample. Good latex paint is fine and glossy; Low quality latex paint is usually rough and even has bubbles.


If the dealer allows, you can try the paint yourself. Open the lid of the paint bucket, mix the paint with a stick to see if there is any caking. If there is caking, the paint is broken.

Use a stick to pick out a little paint and observe its flow state. If the paint flows continuously in filiform, it indicates that the paint has good fluidity and decorative effect.

Finally, you can twist the paint by hand to feel its delicacy. The finer the better.