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What details should be paid attention to when paving tiles in decoration design?

2021-05-25 11:12:21 two thousand three hundred and ninety-four one hundred and fifty-eight

In the process of decoration, there are many details and precautions that need our attention. For the kitchens and bathrooms commonly used in our lives, the new house of a friend has just been decorated and designed, and then the tiles fall off and rise. The reason is that the details are not well done. So, What details should we pay attention to when paving tiles in decoration design? Let's have a look!


The first note: do a good job of roughening the ceramic tile base

The main advantage of roughening the base course is that it can greatly increase the adhesion between the ceramic tile and the wall, prevent the unstable adhesion of the ceramic tile, and effectively prevent the ceramic tile from falling off. Therefore, it is very important to take a nap at the basic level of home decoration, which is also part of the details and cannot be ignored.

Second note: soak in water before laying tiles

Pay attention to soaking the brick wall. Before tiling, the tiles must be fully watered and soaked, otherwise the water in the cement mortar will be absorbed by the dried base course of the tiles, resulting in rapid setting, which will also affect the firmness of tile laying, and it is easy to fall off later. So soaking the brick wall is also one of the precautions for home decoration and tile paving.

Third note: clear the barrier wall of the base course

Also pay attention to cleaning the wall base. If there are obstacles such as latex paint, lime paste or wallpaper on the wall, they must be cleaned before tiling, otherwise the firmness of tiling will also be affected. In this regard, it is also important to note that if there are cracks on the wall, tiles should be pasted after treatment, and the next step should be carried out after ensuring that the wall is smooth and clean.

Fourth note: snap the line

Before paving, snapping lines must be done well. Paste tiles according to the snap line benchmark, which can not only ensure the vertical and beautiful appearance of the paved tiles, but also facilitate the control of the size and division area of the tiles themselves.

Fifth note: paving bricks

After snapping the lines, choose the color and texture of the tiles needed at home, prepare the pre paving drawings, and adjust them according to your own paving area and preferences. Then pave the wet ceramic tile on the back according to the normal standard procedure with 1:3 dry and hard cement mortar.

Sixth note: add tile sealant

After tiling, pay attention to adding joint sealant. Generally, tiles are cleaned and caulked 24 hours after laying.

In addition to the six points mentioned above, there are many others that we pay more attention to. Ceramic tiles not only depend on the quality of materials, but also on the craftsmanship of the tile workers. In decoration design, we must control the details to have a quality and valuable home living space. The above is about the details that should be paid attention to in the decoration design. I hope it will be helpful to those who need decoration design.