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Current location: home page > Building knowledge >The price of building materials continues to rise, the cost of steel bars doubles, and urban and rural housing prices will rise?

The price of building materials continues to rise, the cost of steel bars doubles, and urban and rural housing prices will rise?

2021-05-24 15:25:42 two thousand four hundred and seventeen one hundred and fifty-eight

In recent years, the prices of steel, cement, dry mortar and other building materials used in construction projects have been rising. On May 16, steel exceeded 6800 yuan, gravel and cement rose by more than 30%, and the price of building materials rose. What is the impact on people who need to build and buy houses?


First of all, will the rise of building materials prices lead to the rise of urban housing prices? Strictly speaking not!

The rise of raw materials will definitely increase the cost of housing prices, which is undoubtedly true, but the cost of building materials accounts for a small proportion in the composition of housing prices, and the rise and fall of housing prices are actually determined by land prices.

Land price generally accounts for 30% - 50% of house price, which is the decisive factor of house price. On the whole, the real estate prices above Wangdi must be much higher than those in other places.


Real estate enterprises do not want to take this opportunity to raise prices, but due to the purchase and sales restrictions policy, plus the impact of inflation, people's purchasing power is unusually calm. Generally speaking, if you dare to raise the price, I dare not buy it. Anyway, I can't afford it, unless I just need it!

2: Although the rise of building materials has little impact on urban housing prices, it has a huge impact on construction enterprises and material supply enterprises, and it will have a considerable impact on owners of self built villas, because~will~rise~price~!


Those who want to build houses in the countryside, I believe, all know that rural homesteads cannot be bought and sold, that is, they cannot be bought with money. In other words, if there is something, there is nothing, and the cost is zero. The decisive factors of the land price have been put aside, so the decisive factors of the price of self built houses are the cost of building materials and labor!


At present, with the general increase of building materials and labor force, people who want to build houses with homesteads at home should hurry up. Because the price rise is basically irreversible, inflation is serious, and the purchasing power of money will become lower and lower in the future, they should build early, earn early and enjoy early.

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Now it is a wise choice to go back to the village to build a villa, whether for holiday needs or for the elderly.