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Solid wood chipboard | How to choose customized boards for the whole house

In recent years, customized home furnishing has developed rapidly. Whole house customization and overall home furnishing have become popular words in the home furnishing industry. In the customization industry, one of the hot plates that must be mentioned is particle board, which has high comprehensive cost performance ratio and strong stability and adaptability. Granular board can be used as both cabinet body and cabinet door, especially the popular minimalist door to the top, while Qianshan solid wood chip board has been comprehensively improved and upgraded in terms of material selection, process, environmental protection, etc., making the board performance more stable! Our common particle board

March 20, 2023
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Multilayer board | How to choose customized board for the whole house

Multilayer board is a kind of board commonly used by us to make wardrobe, cabinet, etc. Its multi-layer structure makes the board have better moisture-proof and load-bearing properties, and can be used as bathroom cabinet, kitchen cabinet, balcony cabinet, wardrobe, etc. However, the process of multilayer board is complex, and if you want to choose a better multilayer board, you need to have a deep understanding of the knowledge points of multilayer board! At present, the mainstream multilayer board in the market is divided into full poplar multilayer, eucalyptus multilayer and poplar eucalyptus multilayer. The wood of poplar is soft, so the nail holding force is poor, and it is easier to deform. The density of eucalyptus is high, and the wood is not

March 20, 2023
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Why Choose Qianshan Soybean Glue Plate for Decoration of Children's Room

Have you considered decoration recently? The environmental protection of family decoration cannot be ignored, especially for children, who have poor resistance and are vulnerable to formaldehyde. Therefore, it is very important to choose healthy boards for family decoration. Which boards are popular in the market today, and which brands are especially suitable for children's room boards? What we recommend to you today is Qianshan soybean glue board. As we all know, glue will inevitably be used in the production of board. Whether the board is environmentally friendly mainly depends on the board

December 20, 2022
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