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Why Choose Qianshan Soybean Glue Plate for Decoration of Children's Room

December 20, 2022
Corporate News

Have you considered decoration recently? The environmental protection of family decoration cannot be ignored, especially for children, who have poor resistance and are vulnerable to formaldehyde. Therefore, it is very important to choose healthy boards for family decoration. Which boards are popular in the market today, and which brands are especially suitable for children's room boards? Today, Qianshan is recommended to everyone Soybean glue board

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We all know that glue is unavoidable in the production process of board, and whether the board is environmentally friendly mainly depends on the glue used for board. Most of the glue used for board on the market is chemical glue, which often contains a certain amount of formaldehyde. Of course, the environmental protection of regular brand board also conforms to national standards.

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However, with the increasing environmental protection of people, many consumers want more environmentally friendly plates, especially those used in children's rooms. Therefore, ordinary plates can no longer meet the needs of some consumers Bean glue board This phenomenon has been solved by the advent of.

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Top 10 brands of plate , thousands of mountains Bean glue board The reason why the materials are more environmentally friendly is that there is no formaldehyde added to the soybean gum, which is a pure natural vegetable gum, a more stable, healthier and environmentally friendly board for children's room

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