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Li Chen, the spokesperson of Qianshan's weighty official publicity brand

November 28, 2023
Corporate News

On November 28, Qianshan ushered in the brand strategy upgrade campaign again. The brand new team joined hands with Li Chen, a powerful actor, and ushered in the upgrade and renewal of the "Qianshan 2.0 Tide Era" with a new brand value proposition of "thinking about change and starting with new trends".

In the newly exposed Qianshan 2.0 In the release of brand strategy upgrade, Li Chen appeared at the signing ceremony as a sunny and fashionable gentleman, and her charm interpreted Qianshan's brand new image.

Li Chen has starred in many high rating TV dramas, such as Soldier Assault and Beijing Love Story, and has successfully shaped various roles, and successfully unlocked multiple identities, such as racing driver, producer and director. Li Chen has the image of steadiness, sunshine and fashion. He is brave to climb and challenge 25 years of focus and exploration, with an excellent degree of fit.

Founded in Qianshan in 1998, after 25 years of development and precipitation, has developed from a single production and processing enterprise to a full range of integrated plate operation service providers. Its industrial chain covers plate, dipping, printing, whole house customization, etc., realizing independent research and development and independent manufacturing. Since its development, Qianshan Plate has more than 1000 stores nationwide, and has always been committed to "making more families have healthy lives", and continues to provide consumers with better quality and more professional services.

Qianshan unveiled a brand new brand with this 2.0 brand upgrade release VI system and brand new store image have deeply strengthened the visual identity of the brand image of "Qianshan Plate", and demonstrated the brand concept and cultural connotation of Qianshan.

Qianshan board brand The LOGO has continued the green brand color all the time. It has a more stable form and more vitality. With a sense of unswerving and steady progress, it shows Qianshan's 25 years of dedication, pursuit of excellence, and continuous upward climb. It also carries Qianshan people's spirit of humility, not forgetting their roots, and always having a new starting point and new standards.

Qianshan plank store has a brand new image, centering on the brand new brand LOGO and the slogan of "fashion trendy wardrobe selects thousands of pieces of wood", build a fashionable and simple consumption scene, further improve the store brand image and consumption experience, and provide consumers with more high-quality environmental protection products and store services.

This Qianshan 2.0 Brand upgrading and official spokesperson are another key action of brand strategy upgrading after the launch of the advertising slogan "Fashion Fashion Wardrobe Chooses Qianshan Board" and the official launch of "Qianshan Furniture Board Direct Marketing Warehouse".

2023 is the key year for Qianshan brand to be comprehensively upgraded. Driven by the rapid development of Qianshan Group and the strategy of multi category and omni channel layout, Qianshan will provide consumers with more complete household services with more comprehensive categories and higher product standards.

Qianshan officially joined hands with Li Chen to open 2.0 Brand strategy upgrading, it can be predicted that Qianshan will continue to penetrate into users through new dialogue, and build a consumer and market oriented value brand through technological innovation, product innovation and "fashion fashion" brand innovation!

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