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[Observation at the source of the river] The bright moon will always be in peace
Source: Qinghai Daily
Author: Qin Rui
Release time: 2024-06-27 07:27:00
Editor: Tong Yang

When the activity of "Safety Production Month" in Qinghai Province was launched this year, the word "safety culture" was emphasized, requiring us to focus on cultivating safety culture and promoting the formation of a good atmosphere of "everyone talks about safety and everyone can respond to emergencies".

Safety culture is defined as people's concept, values and behavior in safety. The emphasis on fostering a safety culture echoes and responds to the theme of this year's "Work Safety Month". Because safety is a responsibility, but also an attitude; Emergency response is not only a measure, but also a skill. Cultivate safety culture, let people "close" to safety from the level of thinking mode and values, and then guide the life style and behavior norms that pay attention to safety and achieve safety, and promote the vision of "everyone talks about safety and everyone can respond to emergencies" with new trends.

Mishaps arise from carelessness, while disasters arise from subtlety. Pablo Hain, a German, once proposed a famous rule on flight safety: behind every serious accident, there must be 29 minor accidents, 300 near misses and 1000 potential accidents. Hain's Law reminds us that human factors account for a large proportion of accidents. If people could be more alert and more preventive, would the results be different? So where does this "one more time" come from? It is ultimately negative to let people passively abide by safety rules. Only by constantly correcting their ideas can people become more conscious in abandoning fluky psychology and paralyzing their minds, and more active in standardizing unsafe behaviors and eliminating various habitual violations. To promote the transformation of the whole society from "I want to be safe" to "I want to be safe, I will be safe, I want to be safe", and the safety culture will play a very important role in imperceptibly.

The formation of safety culture is gradual and long-term, and it needs to take every step in a down-to-earth manner. Through safety education, consolidate the foundation, innovate the method, form and content of public opinion, deepen safety knowledge, typical cases, emergency drills and education, and regularly enter enterprises, villages, communities, schools, families and public places. By improving safety laws and regulations, rules and regulations to form a guarantee, a complete and efficient mechanism chain of risk identification, response, prediction and resolution is formed, so that people fear life, rules and responsibilities. Cultivate safety values and safety codes of conduct recognized by the whole society, so that the core values of enterprise safety can be widely recognized, people's safety knowledge can be in-depth and widely popularized, and employees' ability to prevent accidents and the safety quality of all staff can be improved, which is also a sign of the progress of social civilization.

"Wise people prevent disasters before they happen, and wise people hope for the future." Let us form a rational safety behavior model to ensure that development is stable and forward on a safe track.

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[Observation at the source of the river] The bright moon will always be in peace

Qinghai Daily
2024-06-27 07:27
Qinghai Portal Mainstream Media
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Qinghai Portal Mainstream Media

[Observation at the source of the river] The bright moon will always be in peace

Qinghai Daily
2024-06-27 07:27
Qinghai Portal Mainstream Media
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[Observation at the source of the river] The bright moon will always be in peace

  • 2024-06-27 07:27:00
  • Source: Qinghai Daily

When the activity of "Safety Production Month" in Qinghai Province was launched this year, the word "safety culture" was emphasized, requiring us to focus on cultivating safety culture and promoting the formation of a good atmosphere of "everyone talks about safety and everyone can respond to emergencies".

Safety culture is defined as people's concept, values and behavior in safety. The emphasis on fostering a safety culture echoes and responds to the theme of this year's "Work Safety Month". Because safety is a responsibility, but also an attitude; Emergency response is not only a measure, but also a skill. Cultivate safety culture, let people "close" to safety from the level of thinking mode and values, and then guide the life style and behavior norms that pay attention to safety and achieve safety, and promote the vision of "everyone talks about safety and everyone can respond to emergencies" with new trends.

Mishaps arise from carelessness, while disasters arise from subtlety. Pablo Hain, a German, once proposed a famous rule on flight safety: behind every serious accident, there must be 29 minor accidents, 300 near misses and 1000 potential accidents. Hain's Law reminds us that human factors account for a large proportion of accidents. If people could be more alert and more preventive, would the results be different? So where does this "one more time" come from? It is ultimately negative to let people passively abide by safety rules. Only by constantly correcting their ideas can people become more conscious in abandoning fluky psychology and paralyzing their minds, and more active in standardizing unsafe behaviors and eliminating various habitual violations. To promote the transformation of the whole society from "I want to be safe" to "I want to be safe, I will be safe, I want to be safe", and the safety culture will play a very important role in imperceptibly.

The formation of safety culture is gradual and long-term, and it needs to take every step in a down-to-earth manner. Through safety education, consolidate the foundation, innovate the method, form and content of public opinion, deepen safety knowledge, typical cases, emergency drills and education, and regularly enter enterprises, villages, communities, schools, families and public places. By improving safety laws and regulations, rules and regulations to form a guarantee, a complete and efficient mechanism chain of risk identification, response, prediction and resolution is formed, so that people fear life, rules and responsibilities. Cultivate safety values and safety codes of conduct recognized by the whole society, so that the core values of enterprise safety can be widely recognized, people's safety knowledge can be in-depth and widely popularized, and employees' ability to prevent accidents and the safety quality of all staff can be improved, which is also a sign of the progress of social civilization.

"Wise people prevent disasters before they happen, and wise people hope for the future." Let us form a rational safety behavior model to ensure that development is stable and forward on a safe track.

By Qin Rui
Editor: Tong Yang
Qinghai News Network All rights reserved