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The General Office of the People's Government of Jiangxi Province printed and distributed the Notice of Jiangxi Province on Implementing Measures for Promoting Cross Strait Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation
Source: National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation Date: 2018-08-24 10:53


To the people's governments of cities, counties (districts) and departments of provincial governments:

The Measures of Jiangxi Province for the Implementation of Several Measures to Promote Cross Strait Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation have been approved by the provincial government and are now printed and distributed to you. Please earnestly implement them.



August 3, 2018


   Implementation Measures of Jiangxi Province on Several Measures for Promoting Cross Strait Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation

In order to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on Taiwan work and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, promote the economic and social integration and development of Jiangxi and Taiwan, and constantly enhance the kinship and well-being of compatriots in the two places, according to the Notice on Printing and Distributing Several Measures to Promote Cross Strait Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation issued by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the National Development and Reform Commission (GTF [2018] No. 1) The implementation measures are formulated according to the actual situation of the province.

   1、 Actively promote the equal treatment of Taiwan funded enterprises and provincial enterprises in the field of investment and economic cooperation

1. Taiwan funded enterprises participate in the construction of a strong manufacturing province in Jiangxi, which is applicable to the same policies as enterprises in the province. Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan funded enterprises are encouraged to invest in Jiangxi to set up advanced manufacturing enterprises and enterprise regional headquarters, R&D and design centers, support investment in the construction of major projects such as high-end manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, green manufacturing and service-oriented manufacturing, and enjoy the same support policies as enterprises in the province. (Responsible unit: Provincial Commission of Industry and Information Technology)

2. Support Taiwan funded enterprises to implement industrial transformation and upgrading and technological transformation. Jiangxi Taiwan funded enterprises enjoy the same treatment as enterprises in the province in applying for provincial financial fund support projects. (Responsible unit: Provincial Finance Department, Provincial Commission of Industry and Information Technology)

3. Jiangxi Taiwan funded enterprises, which are general VAT taxpayers, sell software products developed and produced by themselves. After collecting VAT at the applicable tax rate, the part of their actual VAT burden exceeding 3% will be subject to the immediate tax refund policy. (Responsible unit: Provincial Taxation Bureau)

4. The technology transfer, technology development and related technical consultation and technical services provided by Taiwan funded enterprises in Jiangxi are exempt from VAT. (Responsible unit: Provincial Taxation Bureau)

5. For the profits distributed by Taiwan investors from resident enterprises in Jiangxi that are directly invested in encouraged investment projects, if they meet the specified conditions, the deferred tax policy will be implemented and the withholding income tax will not be levied temporarily. (Responsible unit: Provincial Taxation Bureau)

6. Support eligible Taiwan funded enterprises in Jiangxi to enjoy preferential tax policies such as corporate income tax at a reduced rate of 15% for high-tech enterprises, additional deduction for R&D expenses, and full refund of VAT for equipment purchased by R&D centers in Jiangxi. (Responsible unit: Provincial Taxation Bureau)

7. Taiwan funded enterprises in Jiangxi apply the same preferential policies for export tax rebate as those in the province, simplify the tax rebate procedures for Taiwan funded enterprises in Jiangxi, give priority to the paperless management of export tax rebate for qualified enterprises, and cancel the tax rebate (exemption) pre declaration. (Responsible unit: Provincial Taxation Bureau)

8. Support eligible Jiangxi Taiwan funded enterprises to obtain unsecured credit loans through the "Bank Tax Interaction" project to reduce financing costs. (Responsible unit: Provincial Taxation Bureau)

9. Support Taiwan funded enterprises to carry out advance pricing arrangements and provide a certain tax business environment for their business dealings with related parties. (Responsible unit: Provincial Taxation Bureau)

10. Support Taiwan funded enterprises to apply for Jiangxi patent application subsidy and other related projects. For the transformation of Taiwan's intellectual property in Jiangxi, the mainland's intellectual property incentive policy can be referred to. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, Provincial Intellectual Property Office)

11. According to the Administrative Measures for Intellectual Property Pledge Financing of Small, Medium and Micro sized Enterprises in Jiangxi Province, Taiwan funded enterprises registered in Jiangxi are supported to conduct intellectual property pledge financing in accordance with the relevant provisions on intellectual property pledge financing of small, medium and micro sized enterprises in Jiangxi Province. (Responsible units: Provincial Intellectual Property Office, People's Bank of China Nanchang Central Sub branch, Provincial Banking Regulatory Bureau)

12. Taiwan funded enterprises can participate in the construction of water conservancy projects in Jiangxi, such as flood control, irrigation, waterlogging drainage, water diversion (supply), beach treatment, water and soil conservation, water conservancy hubs, and participate in the construction and operation of sewage treatment, reclaimed water reuse, rainwater collection, sanitation, roads and bridges, landscaping, garbage removal and treatment, and other projects in Jiangxi. Taiwan transportation infrastructure construction enterprises that have obtained qualification (qualification) certificates in Taiwan can participate in the construction of Jiangxi transportation infrastructure upon approval. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Water Resources, Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Provincial Department of Transport)

13. The environmental impact assessment of projects submitted by Taiwan funded enterprises is the same as that of enterprises in the province, with the same requirements. Taiwan funded projects included in the scope of key projects in Jiangxi Province, and the environmental impact assessment of the project is included in the green channel for environmental assessment approval of the provincial environmental protection department. (Responsible unit: Provincial Environmental Protection Department)

14. Support Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in the bidding of Jiangxi government procurement projects fairly. (Responsible unit: Provincial Finance Department)

15. Taiwan businessmen are encouraged to participate in special activities for attracting investment of state-owned enterprises in Jiangxi. Every year, we screen and sort out the key investment promotion projects of Jiangxi state-owned enterprises, promote them to Taiwan businessmen through the provincial government website, key investment promotion activities and other ways, and promote joint ventures and cooperation between Taiwan funded enterprises and Jiangxi state-owned enterprises. (Responsible unit: Provincial SASAC)

16. Taiwan funded enterprises and provincial enterprises are equally applicable to relevant land use policies. For industrial projects that give priority to the development of industries and use land intensively, the base price of land transfer can be no less than 70% of the corresponding standard of the local land grade. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Land and Resources)

17. For Taiwan funded enterprises investing in industrial projects focusing on the primary processing of agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery products, the base price of land transfer can be no less than 70% of the corresponding standard of the local land grade. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Land and Resources)

18. For Taiwan funded enterprises that use state-owned unused land outside the scope of urban construction land determined in the general plan for land use, and for industrial projects whose early development of land is completed by the land users themselves, the base price of land transfer can be no less than 15% of the corresponding standard of the land grade of the location; For the use of state-owned unused land within the scope of urban construction land determined in the general plan for land use, the base price for transfer can be no less than 50% of the corresponding standard of the land grade of the location. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Land and Resources)

19. For an industrial project invested by a Taiwan funded enterprise, if the proposed base price for transfer according to the provisions of Articles 16, 17 and 18 is lower than the sum of the actual land acquisition cost, the preliminary land development cost and the relevant fees that should be charged according to the provisions, the base price for transfer shall be determined according to the principle that it is not lower than the sum of the actual costs. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Land and Resources)

20. Promote the construction of Jiangxi Taiwan invested industrial cooperation zone and industrial cooperation demonstration base, and support Jiangxi Taiwan funded enterprises to develop green environmental protection industry. Support and encourage Taiwan funded enterprises to cooperate with Jiangxi enterprises, participate in the investment along the "Belt and Road", the construction of the "Yangtze River Economic Belt" and international production capacity cooperation projects, and share the development dividends of the "Belt and Road" and the "Yangtze River Economic Belt". (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Commission of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Commerce)

21. Taiwan funded agricultural enterprises that establish agricultural production and operation organizations in Jiangxi and purchase machines and tools that comply with the subsidy policy for agricultural machinery purchase in Jiangxi Province can enjoy the same preferential policy for agricultural machinery purchase subsidies as agricultural enterprises in Jiangxi Province. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Agriculture)

22. Taiwan funded agricultural enterprises that have invested in and built factories in Jiangxi and have actually operated well, and meet the requirements of the Administrative Measures for the Recognition and Operation Monitoring of Provincial Leading Enterprises in Agricultural Industrialization in Jiangxi Province, can be recognized as provincial leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization and enjoy corresponding preferential and supportive policies. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Agriculture)

23. Taiwan funded enterprises in Jiangxi that meet the application conditions can participate in the evaluation of provincial leading forestry enterprises, and enjoy national and provincial forestry preferential and support policies after being evaluated. (Responsible unit: Provincial Forestry Department)

24. Support qualified Jiangxi non bank payment institutions to carry out payment business cooperation with Taiwan, and provide convenient micro payment services for Taiwan compatriots. (Responsible unit: People's Bank of China Nanchang Central Sub branch)

25. Support Taiwan funded banks such as Changhua Bank to set up branches in Jiangxi, encourage banks in Jiangxi Province to establish effective communication and exchange mechanisms with Taiwan funded banks, carry out business cooperation, and solve financing problems for Taiwan funded enterprises and Taiwan youth entrepreneurship in Jiangxi through syndicated loans, "foreign guaranteed domestic loans" and other ways. (Responsible units: Provincial Government Finance Office, People's Bank of China Nanchang Central Sub branch, Provincial Banking Regulatory Bureau)

26. Support Taiwan funded enterprises to cooperate with financial institutions in Jiangxi Province. In combination with activities such as "accurate service for Taiwan enterprises month", regularly organize and carry out activities such as "hundreds of banks into thousands of enterprises" financial targeted assistance for Taiwan funded enterprises, such as the special government bank enterprise matchmaking meeting. (Responsible units: Provincial Government Finance Office, People's Bank of China Nanchang Central Sub branch, Provincial Banking Regulatory Bureau, Provincial Securities Regulatory Bureau, Provincial Insurance Regulatory Bureau)

27. Enlarge window guidance, encourage banking institutions in Jiangxi Province to actively support the development of small and medium-sized Jiangxi Taiwan funded enterprises participating in the construction plan of a strong manufacturing province by vigorously developing supply chain financing and other ways. (Responsible unit: People's Bank of China Nanchang Central Sub branch)

28. Implement paperless and integrated origin visas and other convenient measures, support and help Jiangxi Taiwan funded export enterprises to fully utilize preferential policies of origin to open up international markets, expand exports and improve international competitiveness. (Responsible unit: Nanchang Customs)

29. According to the Measures for the Recognition and Protection of Jiangxi Famous Brand Products, Taiwan funded enterprises that meet the conditions will be included in the recognition scope of "Jiangxi Famous Brand Products". (Responsible unit: Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision)

30. Encourage Jiangxi Taiwan funded enterprises to apply for various standardization pilot demonstration projects and "China Standards Innovation Contribution Award". (Responsible unit: Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision)

31. Actively help Jiangxi Taiwan funded enterprises to transport export goods by Jiangxi Europe trains, guide enterprises to carry out declaration business through the "single window" of international trade, and improve customs clearance efficiency. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Commerce)

32. Actively guarantee the talent demand of Taiwan funded enterprises in Jiangxi. Jiangxi Taiwan funded enterprises carry out vocational training, set up academician workstation, Haizhi workstation, postdoctoral research workstation, apply for "Yuanhang Project", etc., and those who meet the conditions enjoy the same policy treatment for enterprise talents in the province. The high-level talents introduced and cultivated are included in the application scope of the "Double Thousand Plan" of Jiangxi Province for the introduction and cultivation of high-level talents for innovation and entrepreneurship, and the qualified provincial talents innovation and entrepreneurship guidance fund project support is recommended. (Responsible units: Provincial Organization Department, Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Association for Science and Technology)

33. Set up the Jiangxi Commercial Arbitration Center for Taiwan, protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan businessmen in accordance with the law, and properly resolve Taiwan related disputes. (Responsible unit: Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office)

   2、 Gradually provide Taiwan compatriots with the same treatment as local residents for studying, entrepreneurship, employment and living in Jiangxi

34. Taiwan compatriots in Jiangxi Province can directly participate in the professional and technical vocational examination and the vocational qualification examination for vocational and technical personnel in the list of national vocational qualifications. (Responsible unit: Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department)

35. Support Taiwan professionals working in Jiangxi to apply for participation in the national "Thousand Talents Plan" and "Ten Thousand Talents Plan". Encourage Jiangxi key laboratories, engineering technology research centers and other scientific and technological innovation platforms to strengthen cooperation with Taiwan's universities, research institutes and enterprises, and carry out collaborative innovation around the international frontier and Jiangxi's strategic emerging industries. Support Taiwan full-time teachers who teach in Jiangxi universities to carry out scientific research and technological development and undertake national scientific research projects. (Responsible units: Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Provincial Department of Education, Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security)

36. Independent legal persons registered in Jiangxi by Taiwan's scientific research institutions, colleges and enterprises can lead or participate in the declaration of national and provincial key R&D projects, and enjoy the same policies as those of the provincial scientific research institutions, colleges and enterprises. The scientific researchers in Taiwan who are employed by independent legal person institutions registered in Jiangxi can apply as the person in charge of national and provincial key research and development projects (projects), and enjoy the same policy as the provincial scientific researchers; Taiwan researchers employed in Jiangxi universities, research institutes, and independent legal institutions registered in Jiangxi Province are encouraged to apply for Jiangxi Natural Science Fund and Jiangxi Social Science Fund projects (with an employment period of one year or more). (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, Provincial Social Council Federation)

37. Taiwan compatriots are encouraged to participate in the cultural heritage protection project, intangible cultural heritage inheritance and development project and other excellent traditional Chinese culture inheritance and development projects held in Jiangxi. We will support Taiwan's cultural and artistic groups and people to participate in Jiangxi's overseas cultural activities and "cultural going out" projects. (Responsible unit: Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Department of Culture)

38. Support the holding of the Gan Taiwan Workers' Innovation Forum, and carry out cross-strait workers' vocational skills competitions. Taiwan compatriots working in Jiangxi and Taiwan funded enterprises in Jiangxi can participate in the selection of individual and collective honorary titles such as Jiangxi Model Worker, "May Day" Labor Medal, "March 8th" Red Bannerman, etc. Taiwan compatriots working in Jiangxi Province may participate in corresponding vocational skill competitions in Jiangxi Province and be awarded the title of technical expert in Jiangxi Province according to regulations. (Responsible units: Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, Provincial Women's Federation, Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security)

39. The number and proportion of Taiwanese participating in the production of radio, film and television programs in Jiangxi Province are unlimited, and TV dramas co produced by both sides of the Taiwan Straits can be broadcast in prime time on various TV stations in the province. (Responsible unit: Provincial Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Bureau)

40. Encourage exchanges and cooperation between Jiangxi and Taiwan's book industry, and open a green channel for Taiwan's book import business. The filing procedures shall be completed within 5 working days in principle from the date of accepting the application materials for the filing of books imported from Taiwan by the publication import business unit. (Responsible unit: Provincial Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Bureau)

41. Taiwan compatriots are encouraged to join professional associations and trade associations in the fields of economy, science and technology, culture and art in Jiangxi Province and participate in relevant activities. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Civil Affairs)

42. Support Jiangxi universities to carry out educational and scientific research exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, support primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Jiangxi Province to carry out educational and cultural exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, establish several provincial-level educational and cultural exchange bases for Taiwan, enhance personnel exchanges, and realize the sharing of educational wisdom. (Responsible unit: Provincial Education Department)

43. Public cultural venues at all levels are open to Taiwan compatriots free of charge, and Taiwan compatriots can enjoy the same treatment of public cultural services as local residents in various public cultural service venues in Jiangxi. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Culture)

44. Support Taiwanese art groups and individuals to perform in Jiangxi, optimize the process, simplify the procedures, and reduce the processing time limit to 14 working days. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Culture)

45. Support eligible Taiwan funded cultural enterprises to apply for cultural industry development funds. Support Taiwan art groups and individuals to be included in the scope of application subjects of Jiangxi Provincial Arts Fund, and can apply for Jiangxi Provincial Arts Fund. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Culture)

46. Actively assist Taiwan institutions engaged in cross-strait non-governmental exchanges to apply for cross-strait exchange fund projects. (Responsible units: Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office, Provincial Department of Finance)

47. Support Taiwan compatriots and relevant associations to participate in poverty alleviation, public welfare, community building and other grass-roots work in Jiangxi. (Responsible units: Provincial Poverty Alleviation and Immigration Office, Provincial Department of Civil Affairs)

48. Taiwan students who meet the conditions and study clinical medicine in Jiangxi universities are supported to register for the doctor qualification examination in Jiangxi in accordance with relevant regulations after one year of postgraduate study. (Responsible unit: Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission)

49. Taiwan compatriots who have obtained the mainland doctor qualification certificate can apply for practice registration in Jiangxi in accordance with relevant regulations, and complete the review within 15 working days. (Responsible unit: Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission)

50. Qualified Taiwanese doctors apply for the qualification of mainland doctors in Jiangxi and complete the reply within 20 working days. It supports qualified Taiwanese doctors to apply for short-term medical practice in Jiangxi. After the expiration of the period, they can re register and complete the practice registration and re registration within 15 working days. (Responsible unit: Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission)

51. Taiwan compatriots in Jiangxi and their families enjoy the same medical and health services as the residents of Jiangxi Province. In cities and counties (districts) with a large number of Taiwan compatriots, the local health and family planning administrative department shall designate at least one medical institution as the designated medical institution for local Taiwan compatriots to seek medical treatment, open up a green channel for Taiwan compatriots to seek medical treatment, and provide corresponding medical service convenience measures. (Responsible unit: Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission)

52. Support outstanding Taiwanese teachers who meet the urgent needs of Jiangxi's industrial development for talent training to teach in Jiangxi universities. Their academic achievements in Taiwan can be included in the work evaluation system and enjoy the same treatment as teachers in the province. (Responsible unit: Provincial Education Department)

53. The compulsory education schools for Taiwan compatriots' children in Jiangxi shall be arranged by the local education department in charge and enjoy the same treatment for local students. Taiwanese students who participate in Jiangxi secondary school entrance examination and college entrance examination enjoy preferential bonus points. (Responsible unit: Provincial Education Department)

54. Actively provide convenience for Taiwan compatriots to apply for jobs in Jiangxi. Set up a green channel for Taiwan compatriots to apply for jobs on site, give priority to recommendation, and register for warehousing free of charge. Set up a special column for Taiwan compatriots' recruitment and job search service on Jiangxi Talent and Personnel Network, and Taiwan compatriots' job seekers can register for free. (Responsible unit: Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department)

55. Support Taiwanese youth to start businesses in Jiangxi in the form of sole proprietorship, joint venture or partnership. Taiwanese youth enjoy the same policies as the youth in Jiangxi in terms of study and life. (Responsible unit: Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department)

56. Improve and upgrade the system equipment that cannot identify and read the information of the Taiwan ID card within the time limit, and gradually realize the equal use of the electronic Taiwan ID card and the mainland resident ID card in Jiangxi. (Responsible units: provincial public security department, China Railway Nanchang Bureau Group Co., Ltd., provincial airport group company and other window units)

57. Taiwan compatriots who have resided for more than one year shall enjoy the same treatment as local residents in terms of the use of housing provident fund after paying housing provident fund according to local policies when purchasing commercial housing locally; In terms of housing purchasing qualification, they can purchase self use and self living commercial houses that meet the actual needs according to relevant national policies. For cities that implement housing purchase restriction policies, Taiwan compatriots should purchase houses in accordance with local policies and regulations. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, municipal governments divided into districts)

58. Taiwan compatriots who have resided in Jiangxi for more than one year can apply for a local annual travel card with a Taiwan compatriot card and enjoy relevant preferential travel services. Taiwan compatriots who hold boarding passes and ID cards for arriving at Nanchang Changbei Airport can enjoy preferential tickets to 5A scenic spots in Jiangxi Province within one week. (Responsible unit: Provincial Tourism Development Commission, municipal governments divided into districts)

59. Taiwan compatriots who have lived in Jiangxi for at least one year and have reached the age of 65 can enjoy preferential treatment for taking public transport facilities in the city with reference to local residents' standards. (Responsible unit: municipal governments divided into districts)

60. Taiwan compatriots working in Jiangxi can participate in "five insurances and one fund" in accordance with national regulations and enjoy the same social security treatment as local residents. The housing provident fund and basic endowment insurance personal account deposits paid by Taiwan compatriots in Jiangxi can be withdrawn in a lump sum according to relevant regulations upon personal application when leaving the mainland. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, municipal governments divided into districts)

Edit: Bao Meng       

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