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Several Measures of Shanghai to Further Promote the Development of Taiwan funded Enterprises (December 26, 2011)
Source: Date: March 5, 2012 16:41


1、 Further strengthen financial services for Taiwan funded enterprises

1. We will support financial institutions to strengthen special credit to Taiwan funded enterprises in Shanghai. We will support financial institutions such as the Shanghai Branch of the National Development Bank and the Bank of Shanghai to continue to provide special credit for Taiwan funded enterprises, and encourage other financial institutions in Shanghai to provide financing services for Taiwan funded enterprises. Support financial institutions to support the development of Taiwan funded enterprises in Shanghai through innovative services such as intellectual property pledge, equity pledge, supply chain financing, export credit insurance financing, etc. We will support eligible Taiwan funded SMEs to apply for "specialized, refined, and innovative" special credit.

2. All types of Taiwan funded financial institutions are encouraged to provide financing services for Taiwan funded enterprises. Support Taiwan funded banks and Shanghai Taiwan joint venture banks to provide financing services for joint ventures, and support Taiwan funded enterprises to obtain financial assistance through overseas RMB business of various types of financial institutions. Support Taiwan funded financial leasing institutions to provide financial services for Taiwan funded enterprises.

3. Support Taiwan funded enterprises in Shanghai to expand direct financing channels. Actively promote qualified Taiwan funded enterprises to be listed or refinanced first on the main board (including the small and medium-sized board) and the GEM, and support Taiwan funded enterprises to return to Taiwan for listing and financing. We will encourage eligible Taiwan funded enterprises to issue corporate bonds, corporate bonds, medium-term notes, short-term financing bonds and other financing funds, support Taiwan funded small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in pilot projects such as issuing collective bonds and collective notes, and support Taiwan funded enterprises with good prospects for the development of venture capital investment such as equity investment and venture capital investment.

4. Actively promote the construction of the financing system of Taiwan funded enterprises. In accordance with the Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Financing Guarantee Industry in the City to Further Support and Serve the Financing of Small and Medium sized Enterprises, encourage Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in the construction of the financing guarantee system for small and medium-sized enterprises in the city, and promote the establishment and development of Shanghai Taiwan cooperation or Taiwan funded commercial financing guarantee institutions in the city. Further improve the operation mechanism of policy financing guarantee funds at the municipal and district (county) levels, and provide financing guarantee services for Taiwan funded small and medium-sized enterprises with development potential, such as technology-based, entrepreneurial, and employment absorbing enterprises. Support Taiwan funded enterprises with experience and influence in the field of microfinance to set up microfinance companies in this city.

5. Strengthen the construction of financing credit environment for Taiwan funded enterprises. Explore and promote the exchange of credit reporting institutions in Shanghai and Taiwan, gradually establish the cooperative relationship between the two credit reporting systems, promote the sharing of practical credit information, and constantly improve the financing environment of Taiwan funded enterprises.

6. Promote the construction of financing service mechanism for Taiwan funded enterprises. Further expand the effect of government enterprise bank linkage mechanism, and directly grasp the financing needs of Taiwan funded enterprises through such channels as "bank enterprise meeting", "government enterprise bimonthly communication meeting", etc. Give play to the role of network information platform, and strengthen the release management of Taiwan related financing information of relevant departments and financial institutions in our city.

2、 Further promote Taiwan funded enterprises in Shanghai to accelerate transformation and upgrading and vigorously develop the service industry

7. We will strengthen our ability to serve Taiwan funded SMEs in upgrading and transforming. Strengthen the communication and coordination between Taiwan related departments and relevant Taiwan related departments, actively build a city, district (county) level Taiwan related service platform, and improve the ability to guide Taiwan funded SMEs to upgrade and transform. We will support the development of the Shanghai Association of Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprises, and encourage the Association to strengthen exchanges with the SMES Office and SMES Development Service Center. Encourage the Association to strengthen exchanges with various industry associations, industrial organizations, Taiwan Productivity Center, Taiwan Small and Medium Enterprises Association, and carry out cooperation in government industrial policy guidance, information sharing, consultation and evaluation, education and training, and opening up domestic sales channels.

8. Encourage and guide Taiwan funded enterprises to accelerate the implementation of industrial transformation and upgrading in accordance with the strategic requirements of urban transformation and development. Support Taiwan funded traditional manufacturing enterprises to eliminate outdated production capacity, carry out energy-saving and emission reduction technological transformation and clean production, etc., and give preferential corporate income tax to projects that have been identified as meeting the conditions of environmental protection, energy-saving and water-saving enterprise income tax preferential catalogue. We will support the development of Taiwan funded small and medium-sized enterprises that are "specialized, refined, and innovative", and actively ensure the supply of water, electricity, coal and other resources and energy. Encourage and guide Taiwan funded enterprises to strengthen independent innovation, and support Taiwan funded enterprises to carry out technological transformation through the use of new technologies, new processes, new equipment, new materials and other methods to achieve industrial upgrading. Support eligible Taiwan funded enterprises to apply for national and municipal scientific research projects in cooperation with domestic funded enterprises and research institutions. We will actively promote Taiwan funded enterprises to develop industrial cooperation projects in Shanghai, such as LED lighting, wireless cities, cold chain logistics, and electric vehicles. We will strengthen coordination of major Taiwan funded investment projects, further simplify approval procedures, and improve administrative efficiency.

9. According to the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement across the Taiwan Straits (ECFA) and the memorandum of understanding on financial supervision cooperation signed by the financial supervision departments across the Taiwan Straits, under the guidance of the national financial supervision department, make full use of the policy advantages of Shanghai International Financial Center to actively attract Taiwan funded financial institutions to gather and develop in Shanghai. Support Taiwan funded banks in Shanghai to be approved to conduct RMB business as soon as possible in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Cross Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). Encourage and support the Prince's securities, funds (investment trusts) and insurance companies to actively carry out joint ventures and establish joint ventures in Shanghai. Encourage and support Taiwan funded leasing enterprises to further develop in Shanghai. Taiwan funded legal person financial institutions established in Shanghai enjoy the city's financial industry development support policies in terms of institution establishment, talent introduction, financial innovation, etc. We will support Bank of Communications, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Bank of Shanghai, ICBC Shanghai Branch, and Bank of China Shanghai Branch in continuing to expand the pilot business of two-way exchange of NT dollars and RMB.

10. Support Taiwan funded enterprises to optimize resource allocation and develop the service industry, and support Taiwan funded enterprises to use their original stock of houses and land to set up modern service industries such as information service industry, research and development design industry, and creative industry, under the conditions of maintaining the original architectural form, not changing the right of use, and not changing the purpose, after being recognized by the competent department. Support Taiwan funded information service enterprises to develop in Shanghai. In accordance with the Interim Measures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of the Recognition of Key Units of Professional Service Trade (Consulting Services, Accounting Services), Taiwan funded enterprises that meet the conditions are supported to apply for "Key Units of Professional Service Trade in Shanghai (Consulting Services, Accounting Services)", and enjoy the relevant policies of the state and Shanghai Municipality on supporting the development of service trade through recognition. Further promote trade cooperation between Shanghai and Taiwan, and support eligible Taiwan funded enterprises to be included in cross-border RMB business pilots such as goods trade priced in RMB and used as a means of payment.

3、 Further innovate the means to serve the development of Taiwan funded enterprises in Shanghai

11. Implement relevant fiscal and tax support policies. We will support Taiwan funded enterprises to strengthen their production and business operations within the scope encouraged by the national tax policies, and support the healthy development of the Prince's small and micro enterprises. Taiwan funded enterprises that meet the conditions or obtain the corresponding qualifications will enjoy tax incentives or support policies according to regulations.

12. Further strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights of Taiwan funded enterprises. According to the Notice of the General Office of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Forwarding the Several Opinions on Further Strengthening the Intellectual Property Work in Shanghai and the Shanghai Intellectual Property Assistance Measures, a platform for consultation and publicity on the protection of intellectual property rights of Taiwan funded enterprises dominated by the Shanghai Taiwan Association will be established, and Taiwan funded enterprises will be encouraged to apply for patents and register copyrights in a timely manner, Guide enterprises to strengthen the management of intangible assets of intellectual property rights, and advocate enterprises to adopt the non competition system according to law. Joint ventures registered in Shanghai applying for patents shall be subsidized in accordance with the provisions of the Shanghai Patent Subsidy Measures. Taiwan funded enterprises can obtain general consultation, law enforcement consultation and other assistance services through the Municipal Intellectual Property Rights Assistance Center, and eligible Taiwan funded enterprises can apply for special assistance. According to the Implementation Measures of Shanghai Municipality on the Evaluation of Intellectual Property Pledge (for trial implementation), Taiwan funded enterprises registered in Shanghai are supported to conduct intellectual property evaluation, registration, transaction transfer, etc. through the intellectual property transfer market.

13. We will vigorously promote the brand building of Taiwan funded enterprises. Guide Taiwan funded enterprises, especially Taiwan funded small and medium-sized enterprises, to establish brand awareness and implement brand strategy, encourage Taiwan funded enterprises to create national well-known trademarks, Shanghai famous trademarks and brand products, and eligible Taiwan funded enterprises will be subsidized and rewarded in accordance with the Interim Measures of Shanghai Municipality on the Management of Special Funds for Accelerating Self owned Brand Construction. Taiwan funded enterprises are encouraged to participate in brand publicity activities and major exhibitions such as China International Industrial Expo, China International Animation Game Expo, Shanghai Fashion Week, Shanghai International Fashion Culture Festival, Shanghai International Interior Design Festival, International Gold and Jewelry Exhibition, Taiwan Famous Products Exhibition, Taiwan Merchants Temple Fair, Cross Strait Chain Industry Brand Forum, etc. Encourage public service platforms such as brand monitoring and evaluation and value evaluation institutions to provide services for Taiwan funded enterprises.

14. Actively ensure the talent demand of Taiwan funded enterprises. Assist the Association in establishing a contact mechanism with relevant university employment centers and talent agencies in Shanghai, support Taiwan funded enterprises in Shanghai to introduce professionals in urgent need of industrial development, and enjoy relevant talent introduction guarantee measures. Strengthen labor cooperation with the central and western regions, and introduce technical personnel and suitable labor force that meet the needs of Taiwan funded enterprises. Taiwan funded enterprises are encouraged to carry out vocational training. Eligible enterprises can apply for relevant financial subsidies and support employees of Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in vocational skills training subsidized by the government. Taiwan funded education and training institutions are encouraged to cooperate in the establishment of vocational schools or training institutions in Shanghai, introducing advanced technology and management concepts. Know that Taiwan funded enterprises should establish harmonious labor relations, improve the employment management system, and implement the collective wage negotiation system.

15. Further protect the cooperative rights and interests of Taiwan businessmen in accordance with the law. Focusing on the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Investment by Taiwan Compatriots and the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Investment by Taiwan Compatriots, and combining with the relevant contents of the future cross-strait insurance agreement, we will strengthen the publicity of the Taiwan related legal system and the inspection of law enforcement, and improve the awareness of grassroots law enforcement officers on protecting the investment rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots. We will strengthen the function of the Shanghai Taiwan related Legal Arbitration Center, improve the emergency mechanism for Taiwan funded enterprises in production safety and emergencies, and properly resolve Taiwan related disputes in accordance with the law.

















Edit: Sun Yunxia       

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