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2023 Taiwan Business Summit Opens in Haikou
Source: Date: 09:54, November 8, 2023


On the morning of November 7, the 2023 Taiwan Business Summit, hosted by the Economic Bureau of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Hainan Province, opened in Haikou. Nearly 300 business people from both sides of the Taiwan Straits gathered together to talk about openness, innovation, and mutual benefit with the theme of "integration, innovation, and win-win". Su Hui, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the Central Committee of the Taiwan Federation, delivered a video address.

Su Hui pointed out that the thriving economic exchanges and cooperation between Taiwan and Hainan is a microcosm of the integration and development of various fields across the Taiwan Straits in the new era. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the mainland has adhered to The concept of "one family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits", based on the well-being of compatriots, solidly promotes the peaceful development of cross Straits relations, and widely gathers the powerful forces to jointly move towards peaceful reunification. Cross Strait exchanges and cooperation are deepening, bringing tangible benefits to our compatriots. This year's summit added new elements such as youth exchanges, agricultural cooperation and exchanges between Qiongtai and Taiwan, showing a new style, new atmosphere and new achievements. It is believed that with a good opportunity for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, the economic exchange and integration between Hainan and Taiwan will be more in-depth and exciting.


Long Mingbiao, executive vice president of the Association for Cross Strait Relations, said in his speech at the opening ceremony that Hainan has inherent and late advantages in policy innovation, industrial ecology, natural environment and other aspects, providing a rare opportunity for Taiwanese businesses and enterprises to start businesses and participate in international competition in Hainan. It is hoped that Taiwan businessmen and enterprises will strengthen their faith, seize the opportunity, and share the high-level opening opportunities of the free trade port with the help of the summit platform.

Miao Yanhong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee and head of the United Front Work Department, said that the Taiwan Business Summit was founded Over the past five years, the exchanges and cooperation between Qiongtai and Taiwan have been deepening, the trade between Qiongtai and Taiwan has more than tripled, and more than 400 Taiwan funded enterprises have been added. We sincerely hope that Taiwanese enterprises will participate in Chinese style modernization, deepen reform and opening up in Hainan, and share the dividends of free trade port construction. Hainan will increase policy support and do its best to provide various services.

Li Zhenghong, President of the National Association of Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprises, said in his speech that the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port is changing with each passing day and contains many development opportunities. The Taiwan Enterprise Confederation is willing to further strengthen ties and cooperation with Hainan and promote the economic and social integration and development of both sides of the Straits.

At the opening ceremony, Six Qiongtai cooperation projects were signed, involving talents, fishery and food deep processing, with a total investment of 3.05 billion yuan.  

Edit: National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation - Li Kai       

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