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Li Zhenghong, President of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation: Firmly develop confidence in the mainland of China, and work together to promote the continuous economic growth of the Chinese nation
Source: Date: 2023-05-22 10:34

     National Friendship Association of Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation") On May 17, the sixth member representative conference was held in Beijing, and the sixth board of directors and supervisors was elected. Li Zhenghong was re elected as the president.

At the inauguration ceremony of the new president and chief supervisor of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation held in the afternoon of the same day, Li Zhenghong said that the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation should actively guide and assist Taiwan businessmen and enterprises to participate in the process of Chinese modernization and national rejuvenation, and take root in the mainland to achieve new development; We should play the role of bridge and link, strengthen the function of serving Taiwanese businessmen and enterprises, and build a platform for the growth of Taiwanese youth; We should make greater efforts to give back to the society and show the positive energy of Taiwan businessmen.

In an interview with after the inauguration ceremony, he also said that our generation of taiwanese businessmen seized the opportunity of the times and it was the mainland of China that established the strategy of reform and opening up "Lucky children of the times" are close relatives on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. The majority of Taiwanese businessmen and enterprises are confident in their development in mainland China. Entrepreneurs on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should work together to promote the continuous economic take-off of the Chinese nation.


Li Zhenghong was re elected as the new president of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation.

The following is the interview record: In 1994, when you came to the mainland, you were in the era of reform and opening up. In the past three decades, you have witnessed the rapid renewal of Shanghai and the economic take-off of the whole mainland of China. Your own enterprise, Guanlong Group, has always been in step with the development of the country. There are products produced by Guanlong in the Three Gorges Dam, the Oriental Pearl, Beijing Daxing Airport, Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, Pudong Airport, Water Cube and other national major projects and landmark buildings. It can be said that you have participated in the process of Chinese style modernization in practice. In combination with your experience and experience, talk about Taiwanese businesses and enterprises. How should you participate in and promote Chinese style modernization in the future?

Li Zhenghong: We are a generation that dare to take risks, and we are also lucky children of the times. Since the establishment of the national strategy of reform and opening up in mainland China, every five-year plan has clearly pointed out the path and direction of national development, and the detailed planning has also outlined the economic prospects of the time and the future. Therefore, whoever can closely follow the focus direction and support goal of the development of the Chinese mainland, and combine with the development context of international trade, will be able to have a deep foothold in the Chinese mainland.

Our own enterprises are also like this, seizing the momentum of the country's efforts to develop infrastructure, and following the trend, gradually exploring intelligent manufacturing and smart water when the country formulates new development strategies and attaches importance to high-quality development. The majority of Taiwanese businesses and enterprises must pay attention to the direction and goal of national development, combine their own advantages, use digital economy and artificial intelligence, improve innovation ability, and contribute to Chinese modernization. The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that high-quality development is the primary task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. For enterprises, technology is the key to the development of manufacturing enterprises. Only if they have excellent technology and meet the requirements of high quality, can they open the market, win the trust of customers, and continue to grow. What role do you think Taiwanese businesses and enterprises can play in promoting high-quality development?

Li Zhenghong: Taiwan businessmen and enterprises have accumulated a lot in communication electronics, semiconductor, biomedicine, agricultural innovation technology, cultural and creative industries, and even traditional textile, shoemaking, petrochemical and other industries, some of which have reached the international leading level.

In the process of high-quality national development, Taiwanese businesses and enterprises can use their own advantages to cooperate with state-owned enterprises or private enterprises to complement each other's advantages and improve the upstream and downstream industrial chains. At the same time, it can also cooperate with colleges and universities or scientific research institutions on transformation, upgrading and technological innovation to make up for weaknesses and jointly promote the high-quality development of the overall industry. One of the main contents of high-quality development is to build a modern industrial system, promote new industrialization, and promote high-end, intelligent, and green development of the manufacturing industry. Recently, Guanlong's Smart Water Incubation Base started construction in Nanxiang Town. It also actively donated money to build a smart water research institute, relying on its own technology and industry university research cooperation, to promote the digital and intelligent development of the smart water industry. Guanlong Energy Saving actively practices The high-quality development concept of "green manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing" has won honors such as "green factory", "Shanghai energy-saving products", "national mature and applicable water-saving technology", etc. What suggestions do you have for Taiwanese enterprises to better implement new industrialization?

Li Zhenghong: When implementing the new industrialization, Taiwanese businesses and enterprises must pay attention to the help and impact of rapidly changing technological innovation on their own enterprises, make good use of technological progress, and avoid being eliminated by the market. Only by exploring intelligent manufacturing, digital economy and artificial intelligence, and assisting enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, can we keep pace with the trend of the times.

Of course, in the process of seeking innovation and change, we must combine the concepts of green energy, environmental protection, sustainability, and recycling to create a green factory and green energy industry that will benefit future generations. When you took over Guanlong in 1994, there were not many Taiwanese enterprises investing in the mainland at that time. Now, more and more Taiwanese enterprises are investing in the mainland and taking root. The mainland has always highly praised the contributions made by Taiwanese enterprises in the reform and opening up and their role in economic and social construction. What advantages do you think Taiwan businessmen and enterprises have in integrating into the new development pattern of the mainland, and what expectations do you have for compatriots on both sides of the Straits to work together to promote the economic take-off of the Chinese nation?

Li Zhenghong: Taiwan businessmen and enterprises have developed early, with certain technology, management and capital accumulation. Mainland China has the largest single market in the world, stable political environment, complete industrial supporting facilities, and industrious and excellent labor force. Over the past three decades of reform and opening up, the introduction of relevant laws and regulations and Taiwan friendly policies has enabled Taiwanese businesses and enterprises to integrate into the local economic and social development more quickly.

It is believed that as long as entrepreneurs on both sides of the Straits work together to respond to the call, give full play to each other's strengths, Taiwanese businessmen focusing on export use the policy guidance of expanding domestic demand, and have more exchanges and cooperation with local private enterprises, they will certainly be able to promote the prosperity and continuous take-off of the Chinese national economy on the basis of the past. From the chairman of an enterprise to the chairman of the Shanghai Taiwan Association, and then to the chairman of the All China Taiwan Enterprise Confederation, you will assume more and more responsibilities, and play an important role as a link to better serve Taiwan businesses and Taiwan enterprises, and promote cross-strait economic and trade exchanges. What new suggestions do you have for future cross-strait exchanges and economic and trade cooperation? How would you rate What is the significance of the 1992 Consensus for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations? As a representative of Taiwan businessmen and enterprises, do you have any concerns about the future development of cross-strait relations?

Li Zhenghong: Cross Strait relations have changed from the great exchanges and exchanges in the era of Ma Ying jeou to the refusal of the Democratic Progressive Party authorities to recognize The "1992 Consensus" has led to the obstruction of exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, and then to the current complex and serious difficult situation because of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities' "pro US resistance to China", and the United States' use of the Taiwan issue to create trouble.

The new cadres of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation elected by the 6th Congress of the General Assembly should be brave enough to take on the responsibility. In addition to continuing to do a good job in serving Taiwanese businessmen, Taiwanese compatriots, and Taiwanese youth, they should also strengthen their confidence in developing in the mainland of China and adhere to "One China" and "1992 Consensus" firmly oppose "Taiwan independence", promote all-round exchanges and exchanges between people from all walks of life in Taiwan, including industry and commerce, culture and education, sports, and grassroots people, and use the influence of We Media to convey the real economic development status and achievements of the mainland to the people in the island.

Both sides of the Taiwan Straits are one family, and there are no problems that cannot be discussed and solved when the door is closed. In the face of geopolitical challenges, compatriots on both sides of the Straits should work together to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This is the joy of the people on both sides of the Straits and the happiness of generations of Chinese people. (End)




Edit: National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation - Li Kai       

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