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The 2023 Taiwanese New Year Forum was held in Beijing
Source: Date: 2023-02-06 15:46


Song Tao, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, extended his Spring Festival greetings to Taiwan businessmen.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council On February 5, the 2023 Taiwanese New Year Symposium was held at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council On the 5th, the 2023 Taiwanese New Year's Symposium was held in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, and more than 50 Taiwanese business representatives attended.

Song Tao, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, extended his Spring Festival greetings to Taiwan businessmen. He said that General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed in his New Year's message that there is a family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. We sincerely hope that compatriots on both sides of the Straits will move forward together and work hand in hand to create the lasting well-being of the Chinese nation. We should fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Party's overall strategy for solving the Taiwan issue in the new era, and adhere to The policy of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems", adhering to the concept of "one family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits", always respect, care for and benefit Taiwan compatriots, and help Taiwanese businesses and enterprises integrate into the new development pattern and participate in high-quality development. We will work to promote cross Straits exchanges and cooperation in various fields, facilitate personnel exchanges across the Straits, promote the normalization of cross Straits exchanges and exchanges at an early date, and constantly improve the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the Straits. On the basis of the one China principle and the 1992 Consensus, we are ready to conduct extensive and in-depth consultations with people of insight from all walks of life in Taiwan on cross Straits relations and national reunification. As long as the Taiwan authorities agree with the 1992 Consensus, which embodies the one China principle, cross-strait negotiations can resume. It is hoped that Taiwan compatriots and Taiwanese businessmen will firmly establish their confidence in development, actively promote cross Straits exchanges and cooperation, resolutely oppose the "Taiwan independence" secessionist acts and interference from external forces, jointly promote the peaceful development of cross Straits relations, promote the process of peaceful reunification of the motherland, and make new contributions to the new journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Li Zhenghong, president of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation, said that in the new year, the mainland has huge development space and bright prospects, and Taiwanese businessmen are confident of taking root in the mainland. Ding Kunhua, honorary president of the Taiwan Enterprise Confederation, said that the mainland has great development potential and complete industrial supporting facilities. Taiwanese investors have already established an investment foundation and will continue to focus on the mainland in the future. Zhuang Jiuyi, a Taiwanese businessman in Guangxi, said that the reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits is a historic undertaking that the Chinese nation will surely complete. The compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should work together to advance the reunification process. Guo Hongyang, an entrepreneur from Sichuan Province, said that various policies of benefiting Taiwan and the people introduced by the mainland have created good conditions for Taiwan and Qingdao, and Taiwan and Qingdao will surely pursue, build and realize their dreams in the mainland. Li Honglan, a Taiwanese businessman from Zhejiang Province, said that she would continue to give play to the characteristics of women's hardness and softness, create a new style of female Taiwanese businessmen, and make positive contributions to promoting Chinese style modernization. Li Cixiong, a Taiwanese businessman in Shanghai, said that the traditional excellent culture is the spiritual lifeline of the Chinese nation and will take more concrete measures to promote cultural and popular exchanges across the Straits.

After the symposium, a fellowship activity was held. The participants gathered together to celebrate the festival, talk about family ties and development. (End)



Edit: National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation - Li Kai       

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