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2015 Cross Strait (Ma'anshan) Electronic Information Expo Entrepreneur Grand Meeting Held
Source: Wanjiang Online Date: November 5, 2015 16:13


ten month twenty-nine On the afternoon of, two thousand and fifteen Across the Straits ( Ma'anshan ) Entrepreneur event of Electronic Information Expo was held.

Guo Taiqiang, President of Taiwan Electric Power Association and Chairman of Zhengwei Group, Zhang Xiaolin, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Chen Jinlong, Executive Deputy Secretary General of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation, Zheng Fuxiong, Vice President of Taiwan Electric Power Association, Wang Xiaoyan, Vice Mayor, and Sun Jun, Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee attended the meeting and witnessed the signing of the contract.

since two thousand and twelve Since the first cross-strait electronic information expo was held by Ma'anshan City and Taiwan Electric Power Association in, the visits and exchanges between Ma'anshan and Taiwan have become more frequent, deeper and broader, and many Taiwanese enterprises have taken Ma'anshan as their preferred place for investment. This year, Ma'anshan City specially organized three counties, three districts, development zones and parks to Taiwan to carry out the "Treasure Island Trip" invitation activity, and a number of projects reached cooperation agreements. At the meeting, Chengfu fully degradable plastic free environmental protection industrial park, rare precious jade industrial park, etc thirteen Centralized signing of projects with total investment of two hundred and nineteen point seven seven 100 million yuan.

In his speech, Zhang Xiaolin, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, welcomed the guests and briefly introduced the situation of Maanshan. He said that Maanshan is a city with prominent comparative advantages in undertaking industrial transfer, with "the position in the east", "resources in the middle", "policies in the middle", "conditions in Nanjing", and "costs in Anhui". In recent years, we have always been committed to providing good services for Taiwan businessmen, making the investment environment of Taiwan businessmen in Ma'anshan increasingly optimized, making Ma'anshan a city where Taiwan businessmen would not want to leave and would like to return after leaving, making Taiwan businessmen feel at home here. Zhang Xiaolin finally said that if there is a bridge from the developed eastern region to the central region, the first stop after crossing the bridge is Maanshan, which is a bridgehead city to undertake industrial transfer; If the Yangtze River is a dragon, the highlight is located in Maanshan. Maanshan is the finishing touch for everyone's career. Maanshan is the first choice for gradient transfer, and it is the right time to invest in Maanshan. We sincerely hope that all of you can communicate with each other and create business opportunities through the entrepreneurs' event. We warmly invite you to go more and see more in Ma'anshan, feel our city, talk with us, cooperate with us, seek common development, and create a better future. In his speech, Guo Taiqiang said that in recent years, the investment environment in Ma'anshan has made great progress, and the advantages in location, transportation, policy, cost and other aspects are increasingly prominent. In particular, the local party committee and the government have made every effort to support and help enterprises solve various problems. This serious and pragmatic attitude is the key reason for Zhengwei Group to settle in Ma'anshan. He said that the Electronic Information Expo has been successfully held for three times in Ma'anshan and has achieved fruitful results. He hoped that through this platform, the docking and cooperation of the electronic information industry across the Taiwan Straits would be further strengthened to achieve win-win development.

Before the meeting, Zhang Xiaolin communicated with Guo Taiqiang and his delegation about the Ma'anshan Zhengwei Science Park project. ( Wanjiang Online )



Opening ceremony and keynote forum


Zhang Xiaolin, Secretary of Ma'anshan Municipal Party Committee, delivers a speech at the Entrepreneurs' Fair








Edit: Han Yanan       

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