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Exploring cultural and creative cooperation to promote transformation and development -- Sidelights of Ma Xuming's visit to Taiwan with the city's economic, trade and cultural delegation
Source: Yichang Taiwan Association Date: 2015-07-03 10:18



Mayor Ma Xuming (second from the left) and his delegation inspected the Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industry Alliance, and had a discussion with Li Yongping (second from the right), honorary chairman of the council, and other officials

six month twenty-three Solstice twenty-seven At the invitation of the Taiwan Chinese Cultural and Economic Exchange Association, Ma Xuming, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, led the city's economic, trade and cultural exchange delegation to Taiwan for a period of five Days of economic, trade and cultural exchange activities.

Taiwan's cultural and creative industry started earlier, two thousand The concept of cultural and creative industries was put forward in. In the past decade, while developing information, optoelectronics, communication and biotechnology industries, we have actively developed cultural and creative industries and cultural software industries. We have gained successful experience and created a professional team.

During the visit, Ma Xuming and his delegation visited Zhiwei Information Technology Co., Ltd., Puer Art Special Zone, Tainan Rabbit Creative Company, Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industry Alliance, Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Miaoli County, etc ten A number of cultural and creative parks have held discussions and exchanges with representatives of cultural and creative circles to seek cooperation opportunities and development paths.


Ma Xuming and his party visited Kaohsiung Barer Art District


Ma Xuming and others visited Taiwan Zhinian Technology Co., Ltd

In Zhiwei Information and Baer Art Special Zone, Ma Xuming said that the development experience of Baer Art Special Zone is worth learning. Yichang has a good foundation for the development of cultural and creative industries. Both sides should strengthen discussion and seek the entry point of cooperation.


Ma Xuming and others visited Taiwan Animation Rabbit Company

At Tainan Rabbit Creative Company, Ma Xuming and his party had in-depth exchanges with director Qiu Liwei on the development of the animation industry, and invited the animation creation team to Yichang to give lectures and create, so as to accelerate the development of Yichang's animation industry.

In the Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industry Alliance, Li Yongping, honorary president, and Cheng Xiangru, founder of the hard stone culture, demonstrated to the delegation the typical cases of improving the added value of agricultural products through creative design. Ma Xuming said that Yichang has a good industrial foundation, obvious product advantages and broad market prospects, and the two sides can carry out long-term strategic cooperation.

In Miaoli County, Ma Xuming and his party successively visited Zhunan Town and Xihu Township to investigate the development of organic agriculture, and visited Zhaojun Temple and Zhonggang Ciyu Palace. Ma Xuming said that Zhaojun culture has influenced compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait for thousands of years, and it is also a cultural bond to strengthen ties between Taiwan and China. We should do a good job in inheriting, protecting and communicating Zhaojun culture.

Walk, look and think all the way. The delegation believed that the municipal party committee and the municipal government have developed cultural tourism as a six hundred billion key industry, issued preferential policies to support and encourage the development of cultural and creative industries, and a number of cultural and creative industrial parks are accelerating their construction. Ma Xuming said that Taiwan has rich experience and talents in developing cultural and creative industries. Yichang should further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Taiwan's cultural and creative industries. As an important area to promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation, it should accelerate the integration and development of cultural creativity and the three industries, and promote Yichang's economic and social transformation and leapfrog development. (Xiang Rong and Hao Daoyun)








Edit: Han Yanan       

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