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Xingchuang Ophthalmology Great World, Colorful World, Life Writing
Source: Date: 2019-11-07 10:20

Perseverance and hard work, creating high-end ophthalmic institutions, brightening the vision of patients with eye diseases; Faithful and affectionate, in order to meet his wife's wishes, he rode around the island with his wife's posthumous photos on his back.

   Chen Zhebin is different Eyes Colorful Life, Light up the distance of the world in your eyes.


About Chen Zhebin

General Manager of Xingchuangbaodao Ophthalmology Department

Beijing Taiwan funded Enterprise Association Secretary General


The eye is the window of the soul, the first sensor for observing, understanding and integrating into the society. It is the greatest pursuit of every ophthalmologist to let people have a pair of bright and healthy eyes. We should expand our vision with all our efforts to establish high-end ophthalmic institutions and unite with well-known hospitals such as Tongren. Chen Zhebin has built his own ophthalmology kingdom on the hot land of the mainland.


Strong alliance Create brand

1991 Chen Zhebin came to the mainland to work, mainly engaged in medical device business. he It was keenly discovered that the ophthalmology department in mainland China has a huge market potential, while Tongren Hospital has a strong medical force and rich expert resources, but the medical equipment used at that time was not the best in the world, and doctors' superb technology was completely used to make up for this shortage. He regards Tongren Hospital as his base for expanding the mainland market The 14th floor creates a International Eye Center Modern high-end ophthalmic institution, since then, he has been working with Tongren Hospital for as long as 12 years of cooperation. The first batch of high-end medical equipment introduced by him has been praised by many colleagues with overseas study experience. Using these equipment in his own operating room can greatly improve the medical effect.

Then, the equipment of each department of the hospital was gradually updated. Chen Zhebin, on behalf of the company, provided Tongren Hospital with a total value of medical equipment of US $3.5 million. Through the alliance, Tongren Hospital has been able to develop rapidly and quickly build itself into an eye hospital with first-class professional equipment. Chen Zhebin contributed a lot to all this. Later, Chen Zhebin set up in Tongren Hospital International Cataract Center and International Myopia Center
In 2000, he and two other partners set up the first Mingshikang ophthalmology in Hangzhou, and later opened 17 chain stores in Zhejiang, Shandong, Beijing and other places, with an annual turnover of about 70 million yuan. While his career is booming, Chen Zhebin made a bold decision after careful market research: to create his own ophthalmic brand, the first in 2007 Good ophthalmology It was born in Xidawang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, which also became First to introduce femtosecond laser in Beijing ophthalmology Brand products.


High end building Focus on ophthalmology

It's easier to start a business than to keep it going In many years of operation, Later, Chen Zhebin encountered a bottleneck period, and his career was difficult. His family persuaded him to go back platform Bay Development. The little daughter complained about him because she had been working abroad for a long time and lacked the company of her family. Chen Zhebin recalled that when his youngest daughter was three years old, he returned platform The little girl who visited his family and opened the door for him said: Who is this uncle? Then close the door and leave. Chen Zhebin's regret is that he doesn't have much time to spend with his family. He also wants to give up. But he thinks there are many opportunities in the mainland. It is also because his little daughter's warm heart move has made him firmly confident that he will stick to it no matter how hard it is. The little daughter who came to Beijing to see her father once realized his hardships, quickly learned Pinyin typing, and laughed at her young age to help her father with her own strength platform Wanshi also wrote a small note for each employee, asking them to work together to help his father overcome the difficulties. After listening to his daughter's story, his wife also changed her attitude and fully supported Chen Zhebin. Faced with the understanding of his clever and sensible daughter and family, he resolutely sold his house in Beijing to invest in equipment, started again, and decided to fight again.

In 2013, Chen Zhebin and Baodao Glasses Cooperation, a famous Taiwan funded enterprise Subvert traditional concepts, The first ophthalmic hospital, "Xingchuang Baodao Ophthalmology", was opened in Beijing, The business has ushered in a turnaround. he Create your own brand Xingchuang Ophthalmology , focusing on ophthalmology It is equipped with the highest level of advanced instruments and equipment platform Bay platform Chaired by senior experts, and Mainland Foreign well-known ophthalmologists establish cooperative relations.

As a high-end professional ophthalmic medical institution, Xingchuangbaodao Ophthalmology Department is equipped with advanced instruments that meet international standards. The high-end eye health examination, adolescent corneal plastic lens and surgical experts consultation green channel provide Medical optometry (OK mirror and RGP), full femtosecond laser and full laser myopia surgery, minimally invasive cataract surgery and other services In addition to Taiwanese doctors, there are expert teams from Beijing Tongren Hospital, the United States and Australia and other well-known ophthalmic hospitals in the hospital, which has promoted the rapid development of high-end ophthalmic medicine.

The hospital has set up a "caring surgical companion and on-site observation" open eye surgery, and the whole process of the surgery can be observed through the open window outside the operating room. Chen Zhebin said that open surgery can enable patients' families to really enjoy the right to know about the operation. Some operations even allow families to enter the operating room to accompany the operation after sterilization and other procedures.


Remembering his wife Riding to Realize Your Dream

    two thousand and fourteen year Chen Zhebin, who is dedicated to his career, encountered the greatest misfortune in his life: The wife was diagnosed with the third stage of gastric adenocarcinoma, and the doctor decided Chemotherapy Yes nine Months Time , no chemotherapy, only six Months of life Desiring to survive the disease Chen Zhebin and his wife decided to undergo chemotherapy. Chen Zhebin He started the campaign of accompanying his wife and listed his wish list for his wife to achieve one by one, but still left the biggest regret: he failed to see two daughters put on their wedding dresses and the couple rode around Taiwan. In order to prolong his wife's life, he tried his best to eat vegetarian food and petition to ride around the island.

Sincerity made the crystal stone open, and the wife's life time was extended for three years, which also became a medical miracle. In order to fulfill his wish, he took part in the roundabout. Until the third day of cycling, a teammate asked him what treasure was hidden in the backpack he was carrying behind him, and he always carried it with him. He replied that it was a picture of his wife. All the team-mates were moved by his affectionate and trustworthy attitude. At the end of the ride, Chen Zhebin fulfilled his wife's wish with strong perseverance and courage.

Because Rich Cycling experience, "2018 Beijing Tianjin Hebei cross-strait youth Beijing Shanghai public welfare cycling in Chen Zhebin was appointed as the "captain" by Zhang Qizheng, President of the Beijing Association of Taiwan Affairs. As the captain Responsible for organizing members to participate He is also responsible for escort during riding Keep the team safe Chen Zhebin became The soul of the cycling team Beijing Bird's Nest Shanghai World Expo Park 1400 kilometers, the cycling group will pass through three provinces, three cities, one river, one river, Time 13 days witness, experience, challenge and conquer.

Before public service cycling, I received it once Beijing Baojian Public Welfare Foundation to the event sponsor Beijing Taiwan funded Enterprise Association Collect donations The public welfare fund of 200000 yuan (RMB) was donated to build a sports garden for rural schools in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region.

The experience of this ride is worth collecting for a lifetime. Two love rescues have taken place, which is impressive, and also reflects the significance of public welfare riding. In Qufu, Shandong, the cycling team ran into a runaway car accident, and the team members bravely rescued a car accident victim. Unexpectedly, after arriving in Shanghai, the team members encountered another electric vehicle accident. They took photos, treated, alerted and contacted their families. They worked in an orderly way to rescue the injured, which was mistaken for a professional rescue team. The leader gave a classic overview of their ride in eight words: unity, discipline, joy and love.

Chen Zhebin recalled that a cyclist expressed this feeling about the riding experience: "The size of the motherland, the beauty of mountains and rivers, the strength of humanity, and the depth of heritage are hard to feel in Taiwan before." There are not only Young ladies and sisters of the post-90s young fresh meat, as well as older brothers and sisters of the post-50s, the maximum age difference is more than 30 years old. Youth on both sides of Beijing Tianjin Hebei use wheels to measure and appreciate the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland; By riding, you can experience the historical and cultural heritage on the road, feel the pulse of the development of the motherland closely, and complete the self challenge with youth.


Be enthusiastic about public welfare Service Desk Agreement

Be enthusiastic about public welfare, Xingchuang Vision Chen Zhebin has always attached great importance to public welfare undertakings: In 2010, we joined hands with ORBIS Charity Foundation and cooperated exclusively with China A new vision of beauty The project provides free surgery and post-operative reconstruction for children with eye diseases in poor areas. end In 2016, it has successfully helped more than 300 children with eye diseases regain their brightness; Since 2013, Xingchuang Vision has joined the Xinhua Caring Education Foundation Pearl Recovery Plan Special project to help children with excellent grades and poor families together with the school Xingchuang Horizon Pearl Class  

While doing a good job in public welfare, Chen Zhebin tried his best to serve the counter association platform Vice President of the Association, the 9th and 10th Secretaries General, selfless dedication and full cooperation platform He worked with the Taiwan Affairs Office of Beijing and took service work as a source of happiness. At the same time, he hopes more platform Bay young people seize the opportunity to come to the mainland and create a new world.

Xingchuang Ophthalmology, Eyes Color world. With the company of Xingchuang, the outside world will be more wonderful, and our tomorrow will be more beautiful.

Edit: Bao Meng       

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