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First to propose the transformation of Taiwan enterprises in mainland China, the first Taiwanese businessman to become a member of the CPPCC Guangdong Provincial Committee, the first to prepare for the establishment of the mainland's first domestic market for Taiwan enterprises, Ye Chunrong, executive vice president of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation
Source: National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation Date: 09:49, January 11, 2016


   "The young people in Taiwan can't be called 'service trade', but they don't understand the mainland. What they know is only the illusory images reported by the Taiwan media, and blindly follow them. Therefore, the two sides of the Taiwan Straits should expand exchanges, so that Taiwan's young people can come to the mainland and know the mainland more, so that they can better communicate and develop together."

Ye Chunrong, Executive Vice President of National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation


"According to the online information, I am the first Taiwanese businessman who proposed the transformation of Taiwan enterprises in Dongguan and even in the mainland." Ye Chunrong said that it was put forward in his speech on November 27, 2007 when he took office as the president of the Dongguan Association of Taiwanese Entrepreneurs.

   Entrepreneurship and innovation in the mainland

Ye Chunrong was born in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Because there are many brothers and sisters in his family and he did not graduate from middle school, he went north alone and began to wander alone. During this period, he worked as a cement worker and a water mover, but was unwilling to live like this for a lifetime. After he joined the plastic company in 1970, he was keenly aware of the prospect of this industry, studied hard, and actively entered the night university to continue his studies and improve his ability. In 1983, when Yuefeng Technology Co., Ltd. was founded, he became one of the shareholders.

Yuefeng Technology Co., Ltd. is an enterprise specializing in the production of wires and cables. Headquartered in Taoyuan, Taiwan, Yuefeng Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the largest manufacturers of network cables, network cabling products, power plugs and sockets, and power cable boxes in Asia. At the beginning of entrepreneurship, under the leadership of Ye Chunrong, through continuous efforts and innovation, the company was able to develop rapidly and its sales continued to be renovated.

However, like a large number of Taiwan's manufacturing companies, Ye Chunrong is also facing rising costs of manpower and land, and his operation is in a dilemma of unsustainable.

"At that time, it was also to earn a living that I wanted to migrate industries," said Ye Chunrong. In order to find a suitable plant, Ye Chunrong visited many countries and regions in Southeast Asia. When he almost decided to settle down in Indonesia, one of his customers happened to visit Dongguan, so he persuaded him to settle down in Dongguan together for common development.

After careful evaluation and investigation, Ye Chunrong decided to set up a factory in Dongguan, Guangdong. From then on, he began his entrepreneurial journey in the mainland.

When it came to the beginning of entrepreneurship, Ye Chunrong remembered deeply that "the first time I visited Dongguan, I was sitting on a tractor with my luggage on my head. When I visited the factory's predetermined location, I saw a paddy field all around. Even a screw had to be shipped from Taiwan". However, the bow did not turn back. "We are prepared to come here to fight, and the only goal is to get things ready and ship on schedule.".

With limited resources, Ye Chunrong took human resources as the primary strategy of the company's development after analysis. Recruit a large number of excellent management and technical talents to join, form a research and development team with doctors and masters as the main body, and constantly promote innovative core competitive products. The products are transformed from traditional power line groups and electronic line groups to regional network line groups and connectors for high-speed Ethernet, expanded to optical communication active components, and developed and produced from professional packaging to optical transceiver modules, We have successfully realized the operation of combining various industries. In 2003, Yuefeng Group announced that it would become an OTC listed company in Taiwan, and at the same time, it also formed an excellent corporate culture belonging to Yuefeng.

Ye Chunrong's great achievements have not obscured his eyes. As the executive vice president of the Dongguan Association of Taiwan, Ye Chunrong has a wide range of contacts with the outside world. He found that enterprises from all over the world investing in the mainland are over investing. "At that time, I thought that there would be overproduction in the mainland in the future." Therefore, from 2005, Ye Chunrong decided not to expand or invest equipment in the original products, but to improve them.

It's better to do what you say than what you say. After making the decision, Ye Chunrong began to take action. He has successively acquired some wholesalers and traders, extending the industrial chain, making the proportion of the factory's total income smaller and smaller. Then there was the reduction of the number of workers. In 2007, Ye Chunrong's two factories in the mainland and Taiwan together had more than 4000 workers, and now there are only about 1700 workers left. At the same time, Ye Chunrong increased the investment in automation to cultivate staff quality and improve efficiency.

   Leading the transformation and upgrading of Taiwan businessmen

With great achievements and rich connections, in 2007, Ye Chunrong was elected as the president of Dongguan Association for Taiwan Affairs, and began to lead the transformation of Taiwan enterprises.

That was the financial crisis of 2007. However, most Taiwanese businessmen began to feel the urgency of transformation and upgrading. "In 2007, the mainland adjusted export tax rebates for many times, and the RMB appreciated by 20%. In addition to the implementation of the Labor Contract Law in 2008, a series of policies overlapped, which had a great impact on export enterprises." In retrospect, Ye Chunrong remembers vividly.

"At that time, the Dongguan Municipal Government did not understand the transformation and upgrading." Therefore, Ye Chunrong kept communicating with the government, and finally obtained the strong support of the Dongguan Municipal Government, which allocated six 1 billion yuan special funds for science and technology to support the development of local enterprises. Each "1 billion yuan" has a specific project.

At the same time, Ye Chunrong made use of his own resources to actively contact with Taiwan and hope to get support. In Taiwan, the 16 consortium legal persons under the "Ministry of Economy" are famous industry counseling institutions, which were founded by Li Guoding, a famous economist and known as the "father of economy". In order to persuade them to come to Dongguan to help local Taiwan enterprises transform and upgrade, Ye Chunrong went to visit one by one, and finally, 12 were persuaded by him. You know, at that time, the exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits had not entered a period of great development and prosperity. It was not easy to invite experts to visit the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.

At one time, thousands of Taiwanese businessmen in Dongguan joined in. After six months of promotion, the level of Taiwanese businessmen in Dongguan in production, research and development, procurement, marketing and other aspects has been greatly improved, setting off a round of transformation and upgrading upsurge, and constantly being promoted to other cities in the mainland.

In addition to inviting Taiwan experts, Ye Chunrong also helped Taiwan businessmen to switch from export sales to domestic sales.

Faced with the unpredictable road of domestic sales, Taiwanese businessmen have worked very hard personally. According to the rules, Taiwan enterprises need to pay entry fees for their products entering the mainland retail stores. If the goods cannot be sold, the stores have the right to take off the shelves, and the huge entry fees will be wasted. A product may lose millions. And because the payment for goods is delayed, even if the products are sold well, the return of funds is also a problem.

In addition, in the mainland, brand effect is very important, and products must be advertised in order to sell well. But the Pearl River Delta is dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises. How can we afford to bear the high advertising costs? Ye Chunrong proposed that Taiwanese businessmen should set up a store in a group. Everyone should make collective investment, and the store should be the platform to focus on domestic sales.

Targeted, the first phase of its public offering of HK $300 million to the member enterprises of the Association came into being. More than 100 Taiwanese businessmen participated. For those enterprises that are unable to go on the shelf for domestic sales, the company has become a platform for them to show their own value.

Damake is located at 128 Dongbao Road, Dongcheng District, Dongguan, near Donghua Hospital. It is committed to introducing Taiwanese brands, and building a platform and smooth channels for Dongguan Taiwanese businessmen to upgrade and transform, and to transfer export sales to domestic sales. It is a warehouse and wholesale hypermarket built by Dongguan Association of Taiwanese Merchants, and also the first domestic shopping mall prepared by Taiwanese businessmen. There are 3800 kinds of goods, of which 25% are from Taiwan and 50% are from Taiwan funded enterprises. The commodities sold in the store include electromechanical equipment, household appliances, clothing, fresh food, furniture, cosmetics, food, general merchandise, etc. The first and second floor stores are 21000 square meters in total, and the third floor Taibo Exhibition Center is 9000 square meters. The parking lot with 600 parking spaces can accommodate up to 5000 people at the same time. At present, the number of card issuing members has reached 120000.

Now, Ye Chunrong has devoted most of his energy to the barley customers. As barley customers are mainly middle wholesalers, supplemented by retail, they are rare in mainland China. At the beginning of its establishment, some voices speculated that barley may have exceeded the objective market of the mainland, or "acclimatized".

However, Ye Chunrong was very confident. He proposed that "the return principle should be followed for the goods of barley customers: return if the price is higher than others; return if the quality is poor". Ye Chunrong said that these principles are iron rules that have not been discussed.

With high-quality products and careful management, since its inception in 2011, the company has received great praise. Both economic benefits and public reputation have shown a rising trend.

   Make efforts for cross-strait exchanges

In addition to the great development of enterprises, Ye Chunrong is also constantly making efforts for cross-strait exchanges. As the first Taiwanese businessman to become a member of the CPPCC in Guangdong Province, Ye Chunrong received great pressure from Taiwan, but through protest and struggle, he finally got away from punishment and insisted on holding the post of CPPCC member.

At the same time, in the early years, it took mainland brides eight years to get an ID card when they married to Taiwan. Knowing this inequality, Ye Chunrong helped everyone to apply for reflection, and made unremitting efforts to change the time limit for mainland brides to obtain an ID card to six years.

Now, in the face of Taiwan youth's "anti trade in services", Ye Chunrong also has his own opinion, "Taiwan's" Sunflower Student Movement ", I do not think it is anti trade in services, I think it is the political operation of the Democratic Progressive Party, and those young people are ignorant and used by people with a heart". He said that in June this year, when he met with Wu Zhaoxie, Secretary General of the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan, he also discussed cross-strait relations. "He (Wu Zhaoxie) said that Taiwan businessmen are more supportive of the Blue Camp. I said it is reasonable that Taiwan businessmen should develop in the mainland and need the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. What is the cross-strait policy of the Democratic Progressive Party? If it is Tsai Ing wen's maintenance of the status quo, I would be very surprised. What is the maintenance of the status quo? Do you want to stop trade in services and goods? He (Wu Zhaoxie) They said they didn't want to do that because it was a black box operation (service trade and goods trade), so they objected. I said it was even more strange. In the past, negotiations with Americans were not announced first, but why is it different for the mainland? The DPP itself does not know what it is talking about, so how can Taiwanese businessmen not support the clearer Blue Camp? "

"In fact, the anti service trade and anti curriculum, in the final analysis, is that Taiwan's young people do not understand the mainland. Taiwan's young people cannot say 'service trade', but they do not understand the mainland. What they know is only the illusory images reported by the Taiwan media, and blindly follow them. We need to expand exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, so that Taiwanese youth can come to the mainland more often and know the mainland better, so that they can better communicate and develop together. " Ye Chunrong said from his heart. (Reporter Zhang Lianyi)








Edit: Bao Meng       

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