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National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation Attends the 12th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Summit
Source: National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation Date: 2015-10-27 15:44



The 12th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Summit twenty-four Opening in Macao


The 12th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Summit with the theme of "The Belt and Road · New Layout of the Global Economy" twenty-four It was opened in Macao on April.

Chen Deming, president of the ARATS Association and honorary president of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation, Yang Liuchang, director of the General Administration of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China, Guo Shanhui, president of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation, Zhang Hanwen and Ding Kunhua, honorary presidents, Wang Pingsheng, Sun Fangshan, Wang Zihan, Wang Shangqing and Zheng Congjun, executive vice presidents, Wang Zhizhong, Zhuang Xianyu, Huang Yuemei and Huang Jinxun, vice presidents, and Zheng Rongwen, deputy secretary-general of the association, attended the event.


Chen Deming, President of ARATS and Honorary President of All China Federation of Taiwan Enterprises, delivered a speech


Cui Shi'an, Chief Executive of Macao Special Administrative Region, pointed out in his welcoming speech that the "Belt and Road" is a development strategy for the country to further open up to the outside world. The World Chinese Entrepreneurs Summit actively assists Chinese businessmen in exchanges and cooperation to participate in the construction of the "Belt and Road", and makes efforts to gather the strength of the world's Chinese businessmen to achieve complementary advantages and win-win cooperation.

Chen Deming pointed out that the "Belt and Road" initiative is the inheritance and promotion of the ancient Silk Road, which is in line with the common interests of countries along the line to deepen regional cooperation and promote economic development. It will create new opportunities and stimulate new vitality for global development and prosperity, which is of great significance to both China and the world. It is a rare development opportunity for overseas Chinese and compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries are“ twenty-one The important strategic fulcrum of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is the main gathering area of Chinese businessmen, and also the region with the strongest strength of Chinese businessmen. The Chinese businessmen in this area have strong economic and financial strength, mature production and marketing network, extensive political and business contacts and a good Chinese language and culture platform, which is the construction of twenty-one An important force of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.


Guo Shanhui, President of National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony


The National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation organized a delegation to attend the summit


Guo Shanhui said in his speech that at present, the cross-strait economic cooperation has entered a new historical opportunity period. We Taiwan funded enterprises should take the ride of the mainland, go out together with the "Belt and Road" strategy, actively adapt to the new normal of mainland economic development, give full play to Taiwan's industrial advantages in advanced manufacturing and other aspects, and connect with the development of key industries and industrial restructuring in the mainland, Innovate the concept and mode of investment and management, and deeply integrate into the economic development of the mainland. Only in this way can we realize the second entrepreneurship, transformation and upgrading of our own enterprises, and achieve phoenix like rebirth!

In order to commend the world's outstanding young Chinese entrepreneurs, the conference also announced“ two thousand and fifteen According to the selection results of "World Outstanding Young Chinese Entrepreneurs", nine outstanding young people from environmental protection, art, real estate, education, engineering, energy and chemical industry, construction and other industries won the award.

According to statistics, more than one thousand six hundred and fifty In addition to entrepreneurs from four places across the Straits thirty-six Chinese businessmen from countries and regions.

The Summit was hosted by the World Federation of Chinese Entrepreneurs Organizations, co sponsored by the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Bureau and the Economic Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government, and co sponsored by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Taiwan Federation of Commerce, Phoenix TV and Asia Weekly.

The "First World Chinese Entrepreneurs Summit" was held in two thousand and four Held in Macao in, the "World Chinese Entrepreneurs Summit" has been committed to improving the influence and leadership of the Chinese community in the world for many years in order to promote the interaction and cooperation of the world's Chinese businessmen, build a bridge between the global Chinese businessmen and local governments.


More than one thousand six hundred and fifty People out Attended the Summit







Edit: Han Yanan       

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