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Love surges, blood flows, and winter warms -- The trade union of Laixi Water Supply Co., Ltd. actively organizes emergency blood donation activities

On December 21, the labor union of Laixi Water Supply Co., Ltd. organized an emergency blood donation activity that night after receiving the emergency notice from the city blood donation center that the blood source was in short supply, the inventory was in short supply, and there was an urgent need to mobilize and organize blood donation activities. The majority of staff responded positively, and the water supply personnel demonstrated the selfless love of surging love and warm winter with true feelings.

At 9:00 a.m. on December 22, although the weather was cold, it could not stop the enthusiasm of the staff to actively participate in voluntary blood donation. They came to the blood donation house in Yuehu Square early. After orderly filling in and registering, measuring blood pressure, collecting blood samples, testing and other layers of inspection, a total of 31 staff donated blood successfully, totaling 10100 ml. Bags of blood are like love, carrying the deep feelings of the water supply people.

Over the years, the trade union of Qingdao Laixi Water Supply Co., Ltd. has regularly carried out voluntary blood donation volunteer service activities. While ensuring safe water supply, the majority of workers have consistently supported the cause of unpaid blood donation, which has been recognized and praised by relevant departments for many times. In the future work, the trade union of Laixi Water Supply Co., Ltd. will continue to convey love and warmth with true feelings, and fulfill its responsibilities with practical actions.