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Qingdao Federation of Trade Unions held a meeting to promote truck drivers' membership and service

In the afternoon of April 2, the city's meeting on promoting truck drivers' membership and service promotion was held in the municipal federation of trade unions. The meeting conscientiously implemented the work requirements of the province's truck drivers' membership and service promotion activities, combined with the survey of the work of workers in new forms of employment last year, and made special arrangements to promote the establishment, organization, family building and service work of the city's freight enterprises and truck drivers. Wang Xun, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, attended the meeting and put forward requirements for the next step. Xu He, a leading cadre at the level of deputy bureau of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, conveyed the spirit of the superior meeting, and Wang Zhongsheng, a first-class investigator of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, presided over the meeting.

The meeting summarized the situation of the city's early promotion of the new employment form of workers' membership, especially the work of truck drivers' membership and services, found out the shortcomings and shortcomings in the work, and defined the measures to promote the next step of truck drivers' membership and services.


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It was noted that

Activating the basic coverage of the truck drivers' trade union is the basic goal and task of the city's truck drivers' membership and service work from now to 2026. The trade unions in the whole city must highlight the key points of work, find out the weak points of work, strengthen the connection with the transportation departments, logistics industry, logistics parks and freight enterprises, earnestly solve the difficult problems in the process of building the trade unions and joining the trade unions, and focus on launching a number of service care projects. In the work, we should break through the traditional way of building the association, the habitual thinking of joining the association, and the traditional mode of building the association before carrying out work. We should focus on promoting the building of logistics parks and leading enterprises, and driving other freight enterprises and truck drivers to join the association; Focus on promoting the construction of trade union federation of road freight industry, and expand the effective coverage of small, medium-sized and micro freight enterprises and truck drivers; Focus on promoting the construction of the trade union of enterprises operating in the form of affiliation, and guide them to actively recruit truck drivers into the trade union; Focus on organizing flexible truck drivers to join the association relying on the new forms of employment in districts, cities, towns and streets, the union and the member's home.


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Meeting requirements

In line with the principle of "where there are workers, the trade union organization will be built, and the trade union work will be extended", the trade unions in the whole city will focus on the logistics park to carry out the action of building and joining the trade union, focus on the leading enterprises with logistics chain to carry out the action of building and joining the trade union of their own level and cooperative logistics enterprises, and focus on the action of improving the participation of truck drivers through the new employment form trade union organization construction project, Through the combination of point and area and work linkage, the foundation of the work of the labor union of the truck driver group is firmly laid and the work is solid.

The listed transportation center, relevant municipal logistics enterprises and logistics parks introduced the situation, read out the requirements of Qingdao Logistics Park, leading enterprises and cooperative logistics enterprises for the establishment of truck drivers association, and interpreted the service care project for truck drivers in 2024.

40 people including relevant departments and offices of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, responsible comrades of the district and municipal federation of trade unions and ministers of grass-roots departments, chairmen of trade unions of logistics enterprises directly under the municipal government, and responsible comrades of some logistics trade unions attended the meeting.