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The provincial federation of trade unions held a meeting to promote the rectification of the feedback from the provincial party committee's inspection tour

On March 22, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions held a meeting to promote the rectification of the feedback opinions of the provincial party committee on inspection, implement the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee on inspection work, further improve awareness, increase efforts, and promote the implementation of various rectification tasks. Shi Ai, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and executive vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting pointed out that patrol rectification is an extremely serious political task, which must be understood and grasped from a political perspective, and the consciousness of thought and action of patrol rectification must be strengthened. We should always tighten the string of "patrol rectification", closely combine all work with the implementation of patrol rectification tasks, plan, deploy and implement in an integrated way, and promote the high-quality development of trade union work through patrol rectification.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to further refine the work plan, grasp the work rhythm and focus on integration by comparing the rectification tasks. According to the specific situation of the rectification task, we should adhere to the classified measures and promote the implementation in an orderly manner. We should earnestly shoulder our responsibilities, strengthen cooperation and cooperation, form joint efforts, and promote the implementation of various rectification tasks.

At the meeting, the main responsible comrades of relevant departments (units) of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions made statements.

Members of the leading group of the provincial federation of trade unions, secondary inspectors, the secretary-general, the deputy leader of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the provincial commission for discipline inspection and supervision in the provincial federation of trade unions, and the main responsible comrades of all departments and offices and units directly under the authority attended the meeting.