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The Federation of Trade Unions of Qingdao High tech Zone carried out the audit on the use of union funds in 2022

To further standardize the revenue and expenditure management of grassroots trade unions Work, Strengthen audit supervision over the management of trade union funds, prevent and avoid financial risks, and ensure the safe and effective use of trade union funds since From mid August Qingdao High tech Zone Federation of Trade Unions Entrust a third party organization to Whole region 3 Trade union of government institutions 25 District owned state-owned enterprise trade union three Two grassroots trade unions of enterprises and four new era regional shared worker's homes will be launched in 2022 Use of labor union funds Situation audit Work.


During the review, the audit team reviewed in detail All grassroots trade unions 2021 accounting Voucher and account book , statements, etc data Through face-to-face direct communication, we answered questions about the financial work of grassroots trade unions, corrected financial irregularities in a timely manner, and Put forward audit suggestions and rectification opinions To ensure the safety of trade union funds and assets, improve the efficiency of trade union funds, and truly benefit the majority of workers

Next, the Federation of Trade Unions of Qingdao Hi tech Zone will continue to strengthen the review of the use of funds by grassroots trade unions, and hold training courses for the accountants and audited cadres of grassroots trade unions based on the common problems fed back by the audit, pay attention to the construction of the audit team, make sure that the audit is necessary and strict, and give full play to the role of trade union funds in serving employees at the grassroots level, Strive to form a new pattern of all-round and normalized trade union economic review and supervision system.