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Qingdao High tech Zone Federation of Trade Unions extensively carried out free physical examination activities for employees in the whole zone

"I was busy with my work before and never had such a detailed physical examination. And everyone can get the qualification of free physical examination by signing up with the unit labor union, so that we can know our own health status in time. The labor union is very considerate." The employees who participated in the physical examination praised the labor union's service.


This year, in order to increase the efforts to provide services to employees and ensure their physical and mental health Since June, the Federation of Trade Unions of Qingdao High tech Zone has carefully organized and made overall arrangements to carry out free physical examination activities for more than 5000 employees in need, front-line workers, new business workers, etc. of more than 50 enterprises in the zone.

In order to ensure that both work and physical examination are correct, each enterprise can arrange the physical examination time in an orderly manner according to the work conditions of employees. Physical examination institutions can send physical examination vehicles to provide enterprises with door-to-door physical examination services, and enterprises can also organize employees to go to the physical examination institutions for physical examination by themselves. The examination items include routine blood test, routine urine test, ECG DR、 There are 23 items in 10 categories, including internal medicine, and an independent medical examination file has been established for each employee. Through physical examination, employees have a more comprehensive understanding of their physical conditions, so as to strengthen prevention without disease, timely detect and treat diseases as soon as possible, so as to provide security for employees' health, and implement the work of caring for employees.

Next, the Federation of Trade Unions of Qingdao High tech Zone will continue to promote the work of inclusive service for workers, protect the health rights and interests of front-line workers, industrial workers, skilled workers and other groups, constantly focus on caring for workers as the key work of the trade union, constantly improve the health security system, do practical things for workers, do good things, solve problems, and contact workers with true feelings Work hard to serve the staff and workers and make the trade union as the party's contact with the staff and workers The "bridge" is more stable and the "bond" is more solid.