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Notice on Carrying out 2022 "Safety in My Heart" Award Winning Essay Activity

In order to solidly promote work safety, build a safe production defense line, resolutely prevent and control occupational disease hazards, and improve the health and well-being of workers, According to the decision-making and deployment of governments at all levels on work safety and the requirements of the city's "Ankang Cup" competition and "inspection, guarantee and promotion" activities , the District Federation of Trade Unions decided to The 2022 "Safety in My Heart" award-winning essay solicitation activity was carried out, The specific notice is as follows:

1、 Activity time

two thousand and twenty-two 12 days from July 18 (Monday) to July 29 (Friday).

2、 Purpose

Guide the broad masses of workers to actively and seriously investigate the potential safety hazards and occupational hazards, constantly enhance the sense of self-protection, further play the supervisory role of the broad masses of workers in the work of safety production and occupational disease prevention, strengthen the publicity of typical safety production and the establishment of enterprise safety culture, and create a strong atmosphere of safety production.

3、 Participants

Qingdao High tech Zone has established enterprises, institutions and employees.

4、 Content of solicitation

With the theme of "safety in my heart", the topic is self prepared.

From the enterprise level, we can talk about the advanced practices, achievements and outstanding employees in the "Ankang Cup" competition and the "check, guarantee and promotion" activities. From the personal level, you can also talk about your good practices in the "Ankang Cup" competition and the "check, guarantee and promotion" activities, as well as your understanding and understanding of the activities.

5、 Solicitation requirements

There is no limit to the genre and the number of words. Relevant activity photos are required.

Please upload the entries through the relevant links of Qilu Gonghui APP or send them to the mailbox of the District Federation of Trade Unions qdhdzgh@163.com The file name is uniformly named as "company+name+contact information+title+group (enterprise group or individual group)".

6、 Reward settings

Enterprise group: 6 excellent awards, 1000 yuan.

Individual group: select 20 excellent awards and distribute prizes.


The Federation of Trade Unions of Qingdao High tech Zone will select the works submitted during the activity, and excellent works will be submitted to the Federation of Trade Unions of Qingdao, and published on the WeChat public account of the Federation of Trade Unions of Qingdao High tech Zone.



Qingdao High tech Zone Federation of Trade Unions

two thousand and twenty-two July 18th

(Contact person: Guo Xin Tel: 66966530 18205422649)