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A group of collectives and individuals in Qingdao High tech Zone won the National and Municipal May Day Labor Awards

On the eve of the May Day International Labor Day, the list of National May Day Labor Award, National Worker Pioneer, Qingdao May Day Labor Award, Qingdao Worker Pioneer, Qingdao May Day Women's Pacesetter Post and May Day Women's Pacesetter will be announced in 2024. The enterprises and employees of Qingdao High tech Zone have bravely stood at the forefront of the times in many fields and on many fronts, and have taken an active role. A number of advanced collectives and individuals have emerged.

Among them, Tan Lixia, the chairman and senior engineer of Qingdao Haier Biomedical Co., Ltd., won the National May Day Labor Medal, Shandong Lifei Biological Industry Co., Ltd. won the Qingdao May Day Labor Medal, and Chen Guangcheng, the instrument technology director of Qingdao Laoying Haina Optoelectronics Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd Liu Jing, the third level host of the Taxation Bureau of Qingdao High tech Industrial Development Zone of the State Administration of Taxation, won the May Day Labor Medal of Qingdao, the Pharmaceutical Organic Room of Stande Testing Group Co., Ltd., the First Tax Administration Division of the Taxation Bureau of Qingdao High tech Industrial Development Zone of the State Administration of Taxation, won the title of "Pioneer Worker of Qingdao", and Yang Liu, the senior teacher of the Experimental Kindergarten of Qingdao High tech Zone, won the title of "May Day Female Model of Qingdao", The Human Resources Department of Soft Control Co., Ltd. won the title of Qingdao May 1st Women's Pacesetter Post.

National Labor Medal

Tan Lixia (female), Chairman and Senior Engineer of Qingdao Haier Biomedical Co., Ltd


Qingdao May Day Labor Award

Shandong Lifei Biological Industry Co., Ltd


Qingdao May Day Labor Medal

Chen Guangcheng Instrument Technical Director of Qingdao Laoyinghaina Photoelectric Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd

Liu Jing (female), hosted by Qingdao High tech Industrial Development Zone Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation


Qingdao Worker Pioneer

Pharmaceutical Organic Room of Stande Testing Group Co., Ltd

State Administration of Taxation Qingdao High tech Industrial Development Zone Taxation Bureau No. 1 Taxation Department


Qingdao May Day Women's Pacesetter

Yangliu Senior Teacher of Qingdao High tech Zone Experimental Kindergarten


Qingdao May Day Women's Pacesetter Post

Human Resources Department of Soft Control Co., Ltd

It is hoped that the praised collectives and individuals will cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, give full play to the role of model and lead, make new and greater achievements, and make new and greater contributions. The staff of the whole district should follow the example of advanced collectives and advanced individuals, more closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, comprehensively implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, anchor the "go ahead and start a new situation", forge ahead, work hard, blaze new trails, and dare to be the first, With a more high profile and full enthusiasm, we will gather the powerful forces to forge ahead in a new journey and make contributions to a new era, create new glory and forge new great undertakings.