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The trade unions of enterprises in Qingdao High tech Zone carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "March 8th" International Women's Day

The years are warm because of tenacity, and the world is bright because of struggle. In order to celebrate the "March 8" International Women's Day, fully display the uplifting spirit of women workers in the whole district, and create a relaxed and warm festival atmosphere, trade unions of enterprises in Qingdao High tech Zone have recently carried out a series of various forms of "March 8" Women's Day celebrations, further encouraging women workers to base themselves on their own duties, work hard, walk with the new era, and make contributions in the new journey.


three On July 7, the trade union of Huadian Qingdao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. organized a flower arrangement activity for female employees, which was called "March, Flower Life". The atmosphere of the activity site was active. The flower arranging teacher explained the basic skills of flower arrangement and the flower words and blessings contained in various flowers in detail, from the characteristics and selection of flowers to the maintenance and placement, in plain language.


three On August 8, the trade union of Qingdao Hi tech Business Service Co., Ltd. organized female employees to carry out flower arrangement activities. The professional flower arranging teacher gave lectures to everyone, introduced the distribution of flower bouquets and the matching of different flowers in detail, guided everyone to learn and innovate flower arranging skills, and the illustration room was full of laughter.


On this special day, the trade union of Shengxing (Qingdao) Packaging Co., Ltd. carried out female employees Outdoor outings. When we came to Lanwan Art Park in the High tech Zone, we put aside the tense working atmosphere in the past, sang and laughed all the way, took photos, communicated and interacted with each other, and our faces were full of relaxed and happy smiles.


three On August 8, the trade union of COSCO Jotun Marine Coatings (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. organized a flower arrangement activity. With great interest, we followed the flower art teacher to learn, exert our imagination, mix and match different flowers, patiently prune flowers, arrange flower bouquets, and communicate enthusiastically with the flower art teacher from time to time. The scene was lively.


three From April 4 to 8, the trade union of Qingdao London Durex Co., Ltd. organized a series of activities of "3.8 Dujia Goddess Day", providing women workers with colorful experience activities such as beauty photo card punching, "hot and hot" boxing experience class, and "being a dumpling person today".


three On August 8, the labor union of Ouweilisheng (Shandong) Animal Nutrition Co., Ltd. carried out activities around the three themes of "exciting and colorful", "beautiful hairpin flowers curling around", and "roses as a letter and youth as a companion". It not only gave all female employees a special holiday gift, but also deepened their aesthetic understanding of discovering, creating and enjoying beauty, and further strengthened the cohesion of female employees in the interactive communication.


three On August 8, the labor union of TPV Technology (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. carried out the DIY activity of essential oil hand soap. During the activity, the instructor explained the steps of making hand soap and the use of tools in detail. Then, everyone chose their favorite color, fragrance and mold shape for production. The scene atmosphere is warm and romantic, fragrant.