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In the passionate summer, COSCO Jotun Labor Union held the second staff badminton competition

In order to further enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the enterprise, enrich the cultural life of employees, improve the physical quality of employees, and enhance the communication between various departments of the company, July 2nd COSCO Jotun Labor Union Held the Second Staff Badminton than Race.


This competition has Five teams participated in the event of "Yu Guo Tian Qing", "Wu Yu Lunbi", "Yu You Go Together", "Who Feathers Compete" and "Shen Yu". On the field, the players adhere to the principle of "friendship first, competition second", emphasize style, compare skills, and show their style; Smashing, hanging, drawing, fast playing... Every game is taken seriously, and every point is scored with hard work. The cheers, cheers, and laughter in the museum keep rising. after nervous The fierce competition, final, "Go with you" team He won the championship with his superb skills and excellent cooperation, "Who Feathers Compete" team Come from behind and get the second place


After the game, the contestants said that this game not only provided an opportunity for mutual exchange and skill learning, but also stimulated the majority of employees to transform their enthusiasm for sports into the motivation of dedication, hard work and unremitting struggle, and also fully demonstrated the spirit of COSCO Jotun's employees of sincere unity, brave struggle and collaborative progress.

next, COSCO Jotun Labor Union will take this event as an opportunity to constantly enrich the forms of cultural and sports activities of employees, rally their hearts, expand the working means of the labor union to serve employees, and meet the growing diversified and professional social service needs of employees