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The trade union of Qingdao High tech Investment Zijingyuan Hotel held the activity of "One day job changing experience"

On the occasion of the 9th anniversary of the establishment of Qingdao High tech Investment Zijingyuan Hotel, the trade union of Qingdao High tech Investment Zijingyuan Hotel held a special "one-day shift experience" activity on June 28, creating a rich and happy working and living atmosphere for the staff.


On the day of the event, the concierge became a buyer and made a careful market survey with colleagues from the Procurement Department; The office staff walked into the guest room PA post and carried out "carpet" cleaning of the park, realizing that it is not easy to keep the park clean. Everyone said that through this job change experience, they really felt the hardships of different posts. They should be more proactive, patient, enthusiastic, practical and steady in their future work, and share the gains of participating in this activity with more people through practical actions.

This activity brought unforgettable experience to the staff, not only enriched their work experience, but also demonstrated the team's cohesion and spirit of progress. Next, the trade union of Qingdao Hi tech Investment Zijingyuan Hotel will continue to carry out more convenient and high-quality preferential labor services, and be practical and considerate to be the "mother family" of employees.