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Lecture on "Labor Law Practice Training" in Qingdao High tech Zone

With the end of the recruitment season this year, all enterprises have entered the production peak season. In order to ensure that enterprises carry out production activities in accordance with laws and regulations, strengthen the understanding and application of labor laws by enterprises and employees, and improve the legal awareness and rights protection ability of workers, On August 30, the Federation of Trade Unions of Qingdao High tech Zone held a special lecture activity of "Labor Law Practice Training".


Wang Jianpeng, senior partner and senior corporate compliance engineer of Beijing Dacheng (Qingdao) Law Firm, was specially invited to give lectures in this activity. Based on actual cases, Wang Jianpeng interpreted the relevant provisions in the Labor Law in detail from the aspects of confirmation of labor relations, labor contracts, labor disputes and social insurance, and emphasized the relevant provisions of workers' rights and obligations. It analyzes and answers the legal puzzles and questions that employees often encounter, helps employees correctly understand and apply labor laws, and improves their ability to safeguard their own rights and interests.

Enterprise employees participating in this training said that through this activity, they had a clearer understanding of labor laws, understood their rights and obligations, and learned how to legally safeguard their rights and interests. We will apply our knowledge to practical work, abide by laws and regulations, operate in compliance, and contribute to the development of the enterprise.

The successful holding of the training on labor law practice provided a rare opportunity for workers in Qingdao Hi tech Zone to learn and exchange, popularized labor law knowledge, and enhanced workers' legal awareness and ability to safeguard their rights. In the next step, the Qingdao Hi tech Zone Federation of Trade Unions will continue to carry out a series of law popularization activities, constantly strengthen the training and education of enterprise employees, contribute to the construction of a law based society, and boost the high-quality economic and social development of the Hi tech Zone.