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The Liuting Sub district Federation of Trade Unions in Chengyang District carried out the propaganda activity of "four entrances" for model workers and craftsmen

In order to carry forward the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, and give full play to the leading and exemplary role of model workers, On July 20, Liuting Sub district Federation of Trade Unions invited Jiang Chongcai, a model worker in Qingdao and chief physician of Chengyang District People's Hospital, to Qingdao Taidong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to carry out the "Four Enters" propaganda service activity for model workers.


This activity is based on With the theme of "Health and Longevity Walk Together", Dr. Jiang, combining his professional expertise, popularized basic health knowledge to employees from four aspects of physical health, mental health, social health and moral health, reminded everyone to pay attention to daily health testing, and improved health knowledge reserves and self-care awareness.

Publicizing service activities through model workers It helped the employees to develop the correct concept of healthy life, further improved the good cultural atmosphere of the enterprise, and was unanimously praised by nearly 50 participants on the scene.