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The Federation of Trade Unions of Shangma Sub district, Chengyang District carried out the centralized training activity of Baduanjin

Baduan Brocade originated from Northern Song Dynasty It has a history of more than 800 years. The ancients compared this movement to Brocade , meaning colorful, beautiful and luxurious, reflecting the characteristics of its graceful movements. This skill is divided into eight sections, each with one action, so it is named Baduan Brocade Baduanjin ingeniously combines the body movement and breathing mode of the body, and has the effect of stretching muscles and bones, dredging meridians, and preventing and treating diseases.


In order to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, deepen the practice of civilization in the new era, continue to advocate a healthy lifestyle, and improve the scientific fitness awareness and health level of the masses, five month eight Solstice eleven On October 1, the Shangma Sub district Federation of Trade Unions organized a four Days Joyful Baduan Brocade · Health accompanies you Centralized training activities attracted three hundred and twenty More than people participated.

Dong Kemin, a national social sports instructor and first-class Qigong coach, was invited to teach on the spot. During the activity, the teacher explained the body-building principle of Baduanjin, training essentials and precautions in the practice stage, and demonstrated the practice method of this set of skills in simple terms. Through detailed disassembly and on-site demonstration of one move, we basically mastered the footwork and movement essentials of Baduanjin. Participants said that this activity has achieved the effect of relaxing the body, relieving pressure and pleasing the spirit, not only improving everyone's health literacy, but also conducive to the inheritance of Chinese traditional health culture.

Next, the Shangma Sub district Federation of Trade Unions will continue to focus on the Baduanjin activity, regularly organize various fitness activities, improve everyone's physical quality and fitness awareness, and plan to organize the masses Health Baduan Brocade Special competition activities, selection Health Expert and Vital group We will continue to stimulate the awareness of cadres and the masses to participate in health campaigns, and create a strong atmosphere for national fitness and health.