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Wang Dongming's Speech at the Fifth Executive Committee Meeting of the 17th CPC National Congress

The main task of this executive committee meeting is to take Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era as the guide, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 19th plenary sessions, deeply study and implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of the working class and trade unions, convey and study the important directive spirit of the Central Secretariat, and summarize the work of trade unions in 2021, Deploy 2022 tasks.

Recently, the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee made important instructions and clear requirements for the work of mass organizations in 2022. We should study and understand carefully, and earnestly implement. 2021 is a milestone year in the history of the Party and the country, which is of special importance in the process of China's modernization. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the whole Party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups in China worked together to overcome difficulties, calmly responded to the century's changes and century's epidemic, and promoted new major achievements in the cause of the Party and the country. We solemnly celebrate the centennial of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry out in-depth learning and education in the history of the party, and successfully held the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee. We have won the battle against poverty as scheduled, built a moderately prosperous society in all respects, achieved a good start to the "14th Five Year Plan", continued to write a new chapter of the "two wonders", and embarked on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in all respects. All trade unions at all levels of the Federation conscientiously study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, learn and implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of the working class and trade unions, adhere to the central task, serve the overall situation, strengthen the ideological and political guidance of workers, organize workers to build achievements, pay attention to the rights protection services of workers, and actively promote the construction of harmonious labor relations We have maintained political security in the labor field, deepened the reform of trade unions and the construction of industrial workers, participated in the revision of the Trade Union Law, formulated and implemented the 14th Five Year Plan for the development of trade unions, and made positive progress in all aspects of work.

The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee held in November 2021 is a very important meeting held at the historic juncture of the centennial of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "two centennial goals", It is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to strive tirelessly for the new great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. To study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee is a major political task for the whole party and the whole country at present and in the future, and also for trade unions at all levels. All trade unions at all levels should, in accordance with the unified deployment of the CPC Central Committee, continue to conscientiously study, publicize and implement the spirit of the plenary session, and promote the spirit of the plenary session to take root among trade union cadres and workers.

This year our Party will hold the 20th National Congress, which is a major event in the political life of the Party and the country. Meeting, studying, publicizing and implementing the 20th CPC National Congress is the main line of the work of the whole Party this year. All work of the trade union should be subordinate to and serve this overall situation and this main line. It should earnestly study and implement the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee on "keeping the character at the top and making progress while maintaining stability", gather strength, take responsibility, do a solid job, and make positive contributions to maintaining a stable and healthy economic environment, a peaceful social environment, and a clean and upright political environment, We will take practical actions to welcome the successful convening of the 20th CPC National Congress. This is the overall grasp and requirement of the trade union work this year. On the work summary and work arrangement for 2021, Comrade Chen Gang will make a work report and hope that everyone will earnestly implement them. Next, I would like to make a few brief comments on several key tasks around the study and implementation of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the guiding spirit of the Central Secretariat.

   1、 Deeply study and understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", and resolutely achieve "two maintenance"

The most important outcome of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee is the deliberation and adoption of the Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Significant Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Centennial Struggle, which highlights the focus of the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and clearly puts forward the decisive significance of "two establishment", It is of great significance to promote the whole party to further unify its thoughts and actions to maintain the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the authority of the Party Central Committee, and to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups to create a new situation in the cause of the Party and the country in the new era.

The "two establishment" is the most important political achievement since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the fundamental guarantee to guide us to forge ahead in the new journey of building a modern socialist country and achieve the second century goal. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), in the face of severe and complex external environment and arduous tasks of domestic reform, development and stability, General Secretary Xi Jinping, with the broad vision and foresight of Marxist politicians and strategists, has planned reform, development and stability, coordinated internal and foreign affairs and national defense, and operated to manage the party, the country and the military, led the whole party, the whole army, and the people of all ethnic groups to seize opportunities and overcome difficulties, We will promote the cause of the Party and the country to achieve historic achievements and make historic changes, and become the core of the Party Central Committee, the core of the whole Party, and the most reliable backbone and leader for the whole Party and the people. In the great practice of promoting social revolution and self revolution, General Secretary Xi Jinping advanced the Party's theoretical innovation with the times, created Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and realized a new leap in the sinicization of Marxism. This thought is the ideological banner of the Communist Party of China in the new era and the guide to action for the whole party and the whole people to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Practice has fully proved that "two establishment" is the choice of history, the choice of the people, and the choice of the times. It reflects the common aspiration of the whole party, the whole army, and the people of all ethnic groups. It is the good fortune of the party and the country, the people, and the nation. It is decisive for the development of the cause of the party and the country in the new era, and for promoting the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

All trade unions at all levels should integrate their thoughts and actions into the spirit of the Resolution, further understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", and transform the support for the "two establishment" into ideological consciousness, political consciousness, and action consciousness to achieve the "two maintenance", and into practical actions to do a good job in all work.

First, we must consciously accept the leadership of the Party. The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, the root and lifeblood of the Party and the country, and the interests and destiny of the people of all ethnic groups in the country. As a working class mass organization under the leadership of the Party, the trade union is also a political organization. It must take a clear stand in politics, regard adhering to the leadership of the Party as the highest political principle and fundamental political requirement, firmly support the "two establishment", constantly strengthen the "four consciousness", firmly adhere to the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance", Always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core in ideology, politics and action, and ensure that the Party Central Committee resolutely responds to the call of the Party Central Committee, resolutely complies with the decisions of the Party Central Committee, and resolutely refuses to do anything prohibited by the Party Central Committee. We should strictly implement the system of requesting instructions and reporting on major issues, consciously benchmark with the important speeches and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, conscientiously implement them, and truly reflect the "two establishment" and "two maintenance" in action and work.

Second, we must persevere in strengthening theoretical armed forces. We should ensure political firmness with theoretical sobriety, take the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the primary political task, and take it as the main content of the theoretical learning center group of the Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) and the central content of the study of Party members and cadres. We should work hard to understand and understand the core meaning and spiritual essence of this thought Enrich the connotation and practical requirements, accurately grasp the Marxist standpoint and method throughout, and practically arm the mind, guide practice, promote work, and firmly grasp the correct political direction of trade union work. It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statements on mass league work and mass league reform, and on the work of the working class and trade unions, and continue to deepen understanding on the basis of in-depth study and understanding of the scientific connotation of the "eight insistences" and the practical requirements of the "four footholds". We should deeply understand and grasp the important statement of the General Secretary that trade unions must consciously accept the leadership of the Party, the important statement about conscientiously performing political responsibilities, the important statement about firmly grasping the theme of the labor movement era, the important statement about performing the basic responsibilities of rights protection services, the important statement about building harmonious labor relations, the important statement about maintaining political security in the labor field The important discussion on deepening the reform of trade unions and promoting the reform of the construction of the industrial workforce, etc., strive to apply what we have learned, pay close attention to the implementation, unite and guide hundreds of millions of workers to unswervingly listen to the Party's words, unswervingly follow the Party, give full play to the role of the working class as the main force on the new journey, and contribute wisdom and strength to the realization of the second century goal.

Third, we must earnestly fulfill the political responsibilities of trade unions. We should bear in mind the General Secretary's instructions, earnestly strengthen the ideological and political guidance of the staff and lay a solid ideological foundation for the common struggle of the staff and workers. We should widely publicize Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era among the vast number of employees, use various forms, channels and carriers, promote the Party's innovation theory to reach grass-roots enterprises and employees, and constantly strengthen political, ideological and emotional recognition of the Party's innovation theory. We should focus on the study and implementation of the Resolution of the Plenary Session, combine the publicity and education of the "Four Histories", widely publicize the great achievements and valuable experience of our Party in its centennial struggle, publicize the historical mission and bright prospects of the Communist Party of China in the new era, and publicize the leadership of the Party and the great advantages of our socialist system, Publicize the outstanding contributions made by the working class in the centennial struggle of the Party, the concern and care of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Central Committee of the Party for the vast number of workers, and guide the vast number of workers to deeply understand why the Communist Party of China can, why Marxism works, and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good from the sharp contrast between "governance in China" and "turmoil in the West.", We will continue to enhance our confidence in the path, theory, system and culture, and unite hundreds of millions of workers and people around the Party to listen to the Party's words, feel its gratitude and follow its lead. We should guide workers to actively practice socialist core values, extensively carry out publicity and education on the themes of "labor creates happiness" and "Chinese Dream · labor beauty", thoroughly do ideological and political work for workers, give play to the role of trade union newspapers, websites, cultural palaces, publishers, staff bookstores and other propaganda and cultural fronts as well as new media, and strengthen online ideological guidance, Firmly grasp the discourse and initiative of online thought guidance.

Fourth, we should strengthen the Party building in the trade union system. We must unswervingly promote the overall strict governance of the Party, implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era, take the political construction of the Party as the leadership, comprehensively strengthen the political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, and style construction of the Party in the trade union system, and put the system construction through it, so as to constantly improve the quality of Party building. We should keep a clear head, persist in promoting self revolution, deepen the construction of the Party's style of work and clean government and the fight against corruption, put discipline and rules in front, and build a strong defense against corruption. We should not relax in rectifying the "four conducts", continue to rectify formalism and bureaucracy, implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and their implementation rules, and constantly create a good political environment of clean and upright conduct and entrepreneurship. We should strengthen the construction of the cadre team, consolidate and expand the achievements of learning and education in the history of the Party, constantly deepen the education and training of cadres, educate and guide the majority of trade union cadres to strengthen their historical self-confidence, improve their ability and enhance their working skills, and strive to become loyal, clean and responsible trade union cadres with high quality.

   2、 Unite and mobilize workers to make contributions to the realization of the second century goal

Standing at a new historical starting point, the Sixth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee issued a great call to the whole party to learn from history, create the future, work hard and forge ahead bravely, and work tirelessly to achieve the second century goal and realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Trade unions at all levels should keep in mind that "the country is the biggest", firmly grasp the theme of the times to strive for the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, unite and lead the vast number of workers to better play the role of the main force in the new journey, contribute wisdom and strength to the realization of the second centennial goal, and forge ahead in the new journey and contribute to the new era with practical actions.

First, we should extensively, deeply and persistently carry out labor and skill competitions. It is necessary to thoroughly summarize and analyze the labor and skill competitions carried out by trade unions at all levels in recent years, and carefully find out the shortcomings against the requirements of "extensive", "in-depth" and "lasting", so as to promote the competition level to a new level. We should focus on the requirements of the new development concept, the new development pattern, and the high-quality development deployment, focus on the national major strategies, major projects, major projects, and key industries during the "14th Five Year Plan" period, promote competitions at all levels, in all regions, in all industries, and on all fronts, and gradually extend the competitions to small, medium-sized, micro, and non-public enterprises, It extends to workshop teams, new technologies, new formats and new models, and constantly expands the coverage of the competition. It is necessary to improve the organization, operation mode and institutional mechanism of the competition, promote the combination of the competition with the selection of model workers, professional title assessment, technical grade recognition, wage income, etc., and further improve the labor and skills competition system based on enterprises, with national, provincial, municipal, county and industrial competitions as the main body, and the connection between domestic and international competitions.

Second, we should vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor and craftsmanship. We should work with relevant parties to strengthen publicity, widely publicize the advanced deeds of model workers and craftsmen, tell good stories about model workers, labor stories, and craftsmen, and make model workers and craftsmen the most shining group among the workers. We should build a platform and provide a stage for the growth of model workers and craftsmen, continue to deepen the creation of innovative studios for model workers and craftsmen, deepen the construction of a new era craftsmanship college, carry out the activity of "large country craftsmen entering the campus", show the style and skills of model workers and craftsmen, give better play to the exemplary and leading role of model workers and craftsmen, and influence and drive more workers to grow into model workers and craftsmen. We should promote relevant parties to improve model worker policies, improve the status of model workers, implement model worker treatment, help model workers and craftsmen solve practical difficulties, strive to promote the formation of a strong atmosphere of respect for labor, knowledge, talent, and creation in the whole society, and sing the theme of labor being the most glorious, noble, great, and beautiful.

Third, we should continue to deepen mass innovation activities. An important aspect of the mass innovation activities organized by trade unions is to fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of workers, boost the economic efficiency of enterprises, improve the technical level, and help to achieve self-reliance in science and technology and high-quality economic development. We should make greater efforts to organize employees to participate in mass innovation activities such as technical innovation, technical cooperation, invention and creation, rationalization proposals, online military training and the "five small", fully stimulate the talents hidden in the staff and workers, and constantly improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise. It is necessary to carry out in-depth activities such as the display and exchange of excellent innovative achievements of employees, the leading teachers and apprentices, and the skills inheritance of teachers and apprentices, build an online learning and exchange platform for employees, deepen the quality construction project of employees, and open up the development channel for skilled talents through continuous innovative activities in various forms, so as to cultivate more highly skilled talents and large country craftsmen.

   3、 Firmly maintain political security in the labor field

The Resolution of the Sixth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee pointed out that national prosperity and people's security are the most basic and universal aspirations of the people. At present, China's overall social situation is stable, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe. However, we should also be aware that the once-in-a-century epidemic is still spreading around the world, and the unprecedented changes in a century have accelerated their evolution. The United States has carried out all-round containment and suppression against China. Hostile forces often use the so-called "rights protection" to intervene in our labor field, incite, infiltrate and destroy. Trade unions at all levels must continue to take the maintenance of political security in the labor field as a major responsibility on their shoulders and hands. They must be responsible, responsible, and conscientious in their work, and take practical actions to maintain political security in the labor field.

First, further clarify the objectives and tasks. In order to thoroughly implement the guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and concretize the trade unions' efforts to maintain political security in the labor field, in 2018, I put forward the clear requirements of "five resolutions" to all trade unions at all levels of the Federation, namely, resolutely prevent hostile forces from intervening in, inciting, infiltrating and destroying by the so-called "rights protection", and resolutely prevent the emergence of the so-called "independent trade unions" and "private trade unions", We will resolutely safeguard the unity of the workforce and trade union organizations, the overall harmony and stability of enterprises and society, the leadership of the Communist Party of China and China's socialist system, and constantly consolidate the class and mass basis of the Party's long-term governance. This is the general requirement for trade unions to implement the overall national security concept, and it is also an important task for trade unions to maintain political security in the labor field. Trade unions at all levels should always bear this major responsibility in mind.

Second, we should further promote the implementation of responsibilities. In order to promote the implementation of the "Five Resolutions", the General Assembly has gradually formed a specific implementation mechanism based on the practice in recent years, further clarified the work responsibilities, defined the phased objectives, and required efforts to achieve the "Five Don'ts", which has played an important role in maintaining political security in the labor field. The next step is to further enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, continue to increase efforts, and strive to implement all requirements.

Third, we should continue to carry out regular screening and resolution. It is necessary to strengthen the system and capacity building of trade unions to maintain political security in the labor field, improve the long-term mechanism for monitoring, analyzing, preventing and handling labor relations risks, thoroughly sort out the contradictions and risks in the labor relations field, continue to carry out national, regional and industrial troubleshooting regularly or irregularly, and be aware of the symptoms and tendentious problems, We should grasp the small issues early, be brave to take responsibility, actively assist the Party committee, the government and enterprises to resolve conflicts and disputes at the grass-roots level and in the bud, and resolutely prevent the small issues from dragging on the big ones and the big ones from dragging on the big ones.

   4、 Promote the construction of harmonious labor relations

The construction of harmonious labor relations and the maintenance of political security in the labor field are two sides of one body and complement each other. Harmonious labor relations are an important basis for maintaining political security in the labor field. Only by ensuring political security in the labor field can labor relations become more harmonious. Trade unions at all levels should adhere to the "two pronged approach", focus on prevention and resolution, and focus on leading the construction of harmonious labor relations. We should conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on building harmonious labor relations, implement the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Building Harmonious Labor Relations, take effective measures to constantly deepen the construction, and strive to fundamentally solve the problem.

First, we should clarify the key points of building harmonious labor relations. We should actively promote the construction of harmonious labor relations by strengthening ideological guidance, improving source participation, strengthening rights protection services, deepening democratic management, improving the consultation mechanism, and resolving conflicts and risks. Efforts should be made to promote the improvement of legal systems, promote the formulation, revision and improvement of laws and regulations related to the vital interests of employees, promote the improvement of the labor contract system, collective contract system, enterprise democratic management system, labor security supervision system, and promote the implementation of relevant labor security laws, regulations and systems. Efforts should be made to promote and improve the coordination mechanism, especially the tripartite mechanism for coordinating labor relations, improve the organizational system, strengthen organizational construction, strengthen work functions, and promote the important role of tripartite in studying and solving major issues of labor relations. We should work hard on key groups, highlight key groups such as workers in new forms of employment, migrant workers, and workers with difficulties in life, do a solid job in ideological guidance, building associations to join, rights protection services, and explore ways to promote the solution of labor remuneration, social insurance, rest and vacation Occupational safety and other prominent issues to lay a solid foundation for building harmonious labor relations.

Second, we should conscientiously perform the basic duties of rights protection services. Ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of workers and serving the masses of workers is the basic work to build harmonious labor relations. We should take serving the masses of workers wholeheartedly as the starting point and the foothold of all the work of the trade union, put the protection of rights and services into the overall work of the Party and the state to think and plan, promote workers to enjoy more stable work, more satisfactory income, more reliable social security, more adequate living benefits, more abundant spiritual and cultural life, and constantly improve the quality of life of workers, Promote common prosperity. We should do a good job in safeguarding the labor and economic rights and interests of workers in deepening the supply side structural reform, industrial transformation and upgrading, and achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, assist in job transfer and resettlement, re employment training, labor relations disposal, social security succession and other work, and work with relevant government departments to severely punish malicious wage arrears, and ensure that migrant workers earn their wages. We should carefully study the impact of the epidemic on labor relations and the impact on the rights and interests of employees, further strengthen rights protection services, help employees solve problems of urgency and anxiety, and strive to minimize the impact of the epidemic. We need to innovate the ways and means of trade union service for workers, build a trade union service system focusing on inclusive services and targeted assistance, continue to do a better job of providing warmth, golden autumn student aid, sunshine employment, mutual medical assistance for workers, trade union legal aid and other work, increase the construction of trade union outdoor workers' service sites, and implement the trade union's "Internet+" inclusive services, Accelerate the construction of "smart trade unions" and build the Internet into a strong position for trade union work. It is necessary to consolidate the achievements of urban difficult workers in solving difficulties, promote the effective connection between solving difficulties and improving the quality of life of workers according to the deployment requirements of the 2021 summary and commendation meeting, constantly enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of workers, and strive to realize the aspirations of workers for a better life.

Third, we should promote the formation of joint forces to build harmonious labor relations. Building a harmonious labor relationship is a complex social project involving all aspects, which requires coordination, mutual support and long-term contribution from all parties. It is necessary to give full play to the characteristics and advantages of trade unions, timely reflect the demands of workers and the problems in labor relations to the Party organizations, actively cooperate with the government and relevant departments to formulate and implement policies and measures to coordinate labor relations, improve the system of joint meetings between trade unions and the government, the system of contact between industrial trade unions and counterpart ministries and trade associations, and improve the "human society+courts+trade unions" The diversified mechanism for resolving labor disputes has promoted the formation of a working pattern of "the Party Committee attaches importance to, the government supports, all parties cooperate and work together to promote". We should fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises and employees to participate in the construction of harmonious labor relations, promote enterprises to establish the concept of taking employees as the foundation and relying on the masses of employees to run enterprises, take the initiative to fulfill social responsibilities, care about the lives, families and mental health of employees, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees; Educate and guide the staff to take the enterprise development as their own responsibility, care about the enterprise, love the enterprise, and make contributions to enhance the enterprise's development ability, innovation ability, and promote the healthy development of the enterprise. Both sides work together to actively promote the construction of harmonious labor relations. With the help of mainstream media and new media, we should actively publicize the experience and practice of building harmonious labor relations at the grass-roots level and enterprises, so that party and government cadres, business managers, trade union workers, and the masses of workers can enter their minds and hearts, and achieve publicity results.

   5、 Deepen reform and innovation with greater efforts

The centennial history of our party is not only a history of unremitting struggle, but also a history of pioneering and innovation. Regardless of revolution, construction or reform, the party always sticks to the reality, dares to break through the rules and existing models, and constantly explores new paths and new situations. In the centennial labor movement led by the Party, reform and innovation have always been the source of power for the labor union organization and labor union work to maintain vitality. On the new journey, the labor union should be brave to explore and innovate, deepen reform, and constantly promote the work to a new level.

First, we need to solidly promote the reform of building the industrial workforce. The reform of industrial workers' team building is a major reform that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, deployed and promoted. Since the central reform plan was issued, trade unions at all levels, under the leadership of the Party Committee, have given full play to the role of leading the general assembly, improved the system and mechanism, strengthened the implementation of policies, deepened the reform pilot, and strengthened supervision and inspection, which has achieved positive results. The next step is to continue to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important instructions and instructions of the General Secretary and other leading comrades of the Central Committee, continue to implement the deployment requirements of the "2021 Experience Exchange Conference", take the fifth anniversary of reform as an opportunity, focus on the key tasks of industrial workers' ideological guidance, achievements, quality improvement, status improvement, and team growth, and strengthen the summary of reform experience, Find out the outstanding problems existing in the reform, systematically plan the ideas and measures for deepening the reform, and constantly lead the reform to depth. We should strengthen organizational leadership, focus on the implementation of the six mechanisms to promote reform, strengthen supervision and guidance, strengthen assessment and evaluation, promote the implementation of responsibilities, and strive to build a large contingent of knowledge-based, skilled, innovative and high-quality industrial workers.

Second, efforts should be made to improve the effectiveness of trade union reform. It is a long-term task to promote the reform of trade unions themselves, and the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee have clear plans and requirements. In 2022, the Secretariat of the Central Committee put forward new requirements when listening to the work report of the mass organizations. We should make good use of the reform evaluation results, focus on maintaining and strengthening the political nature, advancement and popularity, further summarize and refine good experience and good practices, increase efforts to tackle weak links, grasp the implementation with the spirit of nail, and drive the deepening of reform with breakthroughs in key and difficult points. We should adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, strengthen classified guidance, strengthen publicity and exchange, encourage local governments to adjust measures to local conditions, boldly explore and take the initiative to reform, firmly establish the concept of implementing at the grass-roots level, implement the concept of relying on the grass-roots level, focus on strengthening the grass-roots foundation, and tilt resources and means to the grass-roots level, so that the grass-roots trade unions can truly build, turn and live. In accordance with the deployment of the National Industrial Trade Union Work Forum, we should promote the innovation of industrial trade union work, focus on "looking back", and give play to the important role of industrial trade unions in promoting the reform of industrial workers and implementing the key tasks of trade unions.

Third, learn to make good use of the newly revised Trade Union Law. In December 2021, the 32nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress completed the revision of the Trade Union Law. The newly revised Trade Union Law, guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, highlights the adherence to the leadership of the Party, implements the new requirements of the Party Central Committee on trade union reform, and fully reflects the cordial care of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core for the working class and the high importance it attaches to the work of the trade unions, It provides a more solid legal guarantee for trade union organizations to perform their duties in accordance with the law in the new era. All trade unions at all levels should take the study, publicity and implementation of the Trade Union Law as an important task for the current and future period, incorporate it into the overall work deployment, combine it with the study and implementation of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, combine it with the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's rule of law thought, and combine it with the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the work of the working class and trade unions, As an important part of cadre training, trade union leaders should lead the way, consciously strengthen learning, strengthen the awareness of the rule of law, make good use of the rule of law, strengthen the establishment, management, performance and protection of rights according to law, and comprehensively improve the level of legalization of trade union work. We should guide the staff and workers to enhance their legal awareness and sense of the rule of law, promote employers to strictly implement the Trade Union Law and relevant labor laws and regulations, and strive to create a good atmosphere for the whole society to study and implement the Trade Union Law.

Fourth, we should pay close attention to the implementation of work. It is necessary to focus on the implementation of the "14th Five Year Plan" of the trade union, focus on the implementation of the basic and important tasks that play a leading role, and ensure that the "14th Five Year Plan" of the trade union is vigorously and orderly promoted. It is necessary to improve the system and mechanism of contacting workers and the masses, adhere to the Party building leading the construction of the work, continue to promote the cadre system of combining full-time and part-time work, promote the normalization, long-term effectiveness and institutionalization of the work of the cadres of the trade union system at the grass-roots level, and constantly improve the ability and level of government cadres, especially young cadres, to do mass work. We should strengthen investigation and research, solidly carry out the ninth national survey on the status of the workforce, give play to the role of trade unions as think tanks, check the facts and come up with practical suggestions. We should implement the requirements of "Three Stricts and Three Realities", strengthen overall planning and coordination, implement various work plans, resolutely oppose inaction, inaction and disorderly actions, and strive to focus on the implementation of the central task, highlight the key points, be brave in innovation, strengthen the implementation at the grassroots level, change the style of work, and lead the implementation down from above, We will implement the Party Central Committee's major policies and decisions on the work of the working class and trade unions.

Comrades, strength comes from unity, and happiness comes from struggle. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, forge ahead, work hard and do solid work, unite and mobilize the vast number of workers to work tirelessly to achieve the second centenary goal and realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and greet the 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements!

(Comrade Wang Dongming is Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions)

Source: Workers' Daily