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Precision training to strengthen the quality of professional cadres and further improve -- Chengyang Sub district Federation of Trade Unions in Chengyang District carried out training for grassroots trade union cadres

In order to deeply study and implement the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, the Chengyang Sub district Federation of Trade Unions organized and carried out the 2024 (first) training class for grassroots trade union cadres in the auditorium of the Party Mass Service Center of Dongwangtuan Community on the morning of May 11. Wang Zhongsheng, a first level investigator of Qingdao Federation of Trade Unions, Yu Zhenqiang, a member of the party group and vice chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, Wang Zexu, director of the People's Congress Office and chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions in Chengyang Sub district, Li Jianbo, director of the Organization Department of the District Federation of Trade Unions, and Qin Qiufeng, full-time vice chairman of the Sub district Federation of Trade Unions attended the training course. More than 120 people, including enterprise representatives of Chengyang Street, chairman of community trade union, and some trade union cadres, participated in this activity.


This training course was organized by Wang Zexu, Chairman of the Sub district Federation of Trade Unions, presided over the meeting. First of all, Qin Qiufeng, the full-time vice chairman of the sub district, made a brief report on the completion of the work of the sub district federation of trade unions and the key work ideas around the key work deployment of the district federation, the sub district party working committee and the office. Yu Zhenqiang, Vice Chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, made a mobilization speech. along with Later, Wang Zhongsheng, a first level researcher of Qingdao Federation of Trade Unions, was invited to give a wonderful lecture on how trade union workers can do a good job in trade union work.

They affirmed the work of trade unions at all levels and emphasized: First, we should learn to understand, Improve the political position, adhere to the Party's overall leadership over trade union work, deeply study the Party's innovative theory and trade union work related knowledge, and effectively enhance the political, advanced and mass character; Second, we should learn to improve our ability, Adapt to the new changes and new requirements of trade union work under the new situation and new requirements, and strive to improve the ability to maintain political security in the labor field, promote the establishment of trade union system and digital construction according to law; Third, we should learn to promote our work, Deepen the work of the trade union, strengthen the training of model workers, do a good job in safeguarding rights and services, and expand the coverage of trade union organizations; Fourth, learn from yourself, We will tighten the core of Party conduct and clean government, strengthen discipline building and fund management, effectively improve the work style, and promote the work style of seeking truth, pragmatism, and truth from facts.

The trade union work in the new era is facing new situations, new tasks and new requirements. This training course closely follows the actual situation of the grass-roots trade union cadres in the whole street and the actual needs of trade union cadres to perform their duties. It focuses on the trade union's business knowledge and key work tasks of the year. The theme is distinctive and the content is rich, injecting new vitality and new power into the innovative development of the trade union work in the street.