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Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions held an activity to celebrate the "May Day" by visiting model workers

In order to celebrate the "May Day" International Labor Day and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Chengyang District, enhance the sense of honor, gain and happiness of model workers, and create a good atmosphere of respecting, caring for and striving for model workers, the Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions recently paid a visit to the representatives of model workers above the provincial and ministerial level.


The District Federation of Trade Unions meticulously prepared flowers and consolation articles. Led by team members, they went into the model workers' units and homes in groups to send holiday wishes to the model workers, and together with the model workers, they reviewed the struggle process of the district in the past 30 years. At the same time, they communicated cordially with the model workers, learned about their work and life, and sent the care of the district party committee, the district government and the trade union organization to the model workers. The model workers were deeply moved and said that they would continue to give full play to the waste heat to provide advice and support for the high-quality development of Chengyang District.

In recent years, model workers at all levels in the district have focused on the work of the district party committee center, vigorously promoted the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, united and led the majority of workers to actively play the role of the main force, and made positive contributions to the high-quality development of the district. The trade union organizations at all levels in the region performed their duties conscientiously, and vigorously cultivated and recommended the model selection models. The number of model selection models in the region continued to increase, and the team further expanded.

In the next step, the District Federation of Trade Unions will continue to expand the service channels for model workers, conscientiously implement various benefits for model workers, build a platform for model workers to inherit their spirit and play their role, unite and lead the vast number of workers to forge ahead, blaze new trails, and contribute trade union strength to promote the construction of "four districts and one park" and strive to build a vibrant city in the Bay Area.