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Qingdao Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions launched the 2024 National Safety Education Day publicity campaign

In order to further study and implement the overall national security concept, promote the in-depth development of national security publicity and education, and enhance the national security awareness and literacy of trade union cadres and the broad masses of workers, the Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions organized a variety of activities four · fifteen National Security Education Day for All "series of publicity activities to promote national security awareness.


First, organize cadres and workers to learn Relevant knowledge of "National Security Education Day for All". By focusing on the background of the establishment of the "National Security Education Day for All", the fields of national security, the obligations of safeguarding national security, the rights of citizens in safeguarding national security, and how to safeguard national security, we have further strengthened the awareness of national security, firmly established the overall national security concept, and improved the ideological and action consciousness of safeguarding national security.

The second is to go deep into the grassroots to carry out the propaganda activities of the National Security Education Day for All. Explain to the community the significance of national security, the current challenges facing China's national security, and how to maintain national security. Through the national security network open class short video and PPT The National Security Law, Cyber Security Law and other relevant legal knowledge to safeguard national security were explained to everyone in the form of, leading everyone to constantly enhance national security awareness, consciously abide by laws and regulations, and keep state secrets.

The third is to mobilize grassroots trade unions to carry out national security education for all into enterprises and communities. Organize trade union workers, lawyers and other people to go into enterprises, carry out public legal service activities such as law popularization lectures and legal consultation, vigorously publicize the major achievements of national security in the new era, and strive to popularize national security knowledge.

By carrying out The activity of "National Security Education Day for All" guided the staff to firmly establish the overall national security concept and created a strong atmosphere for safeguarding national security according to law. In the next step, the Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions will continue to carry out various forms of publicity and education activities, continue to promote the integration of national security education into the mind and heart, and further enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of employees to safeguard national security.