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The special research team of Qingdao's industrial reform went to Chengyang District for research

three On August 28, the second group leader of the special investigation on the construction and reform of the municipal industrial workers team Vice President of the Municipal Party School Zhan Xujie and his party led by 6 people visited Chengyang District for investigation. Liu Bingshi, member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, accompanied the survey.


special The research team went to Qingte Group Co., Ltd. to visit Wang Jingjing's craftsman innovation studio and workshop site, visited the company's exhibition hall, and held a meeting for discussion and exchange. At the symposium, the relevant principals of Chengyang Craftsmen's College and Qingte Group Co., Ltd. respectively reported on the implementation of the industrial reform work. The representative of the model craftsman reported the opportunities and dividends brought to the technical workers by the reform of the industrial workforce construction in combination with his personal reality. The leaders and experts of the research group discussed the labor competition, salary, incentive mechanism Hot issues such as integration of production and education were warmly exchanged and discussed with participants. The research team fully affirmed the reform work of Chengyang District in promoting the construction of industrial workers, and Specific requirements are put forward for promoting reform.

Zhan Xujie stressed that the construction and reform of the industrial workers' team is a systematic project, which needs to be coordinated by all parties to gather strong joint forces to promote reform. We should focus on the five key tasks of industrial workers' ideological guidance, making contributions, improving their quality, improving their status, and expanding their ranks. We should focus on solving the difficulties, blockages, and pain points encountered in our work, and promote the implementation of various reform measures. Through reform, we should constantly improve the sense of gain, happiness and security of industrial workers, which will help promote high-quality economic and social development.

Next, Chengyang District will take this special investigation as an opportunity, In accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Five Year Plan" for the construction and reform of Qingdao's industrial workers, Strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen coordination and implementation, and constantly Deepen the reform, extend it to the grass-roots level, and promote the reform of industrial workers to achieve new breakthroughs We will build a large industrial worker team with ideals and beliefs, understanding technology, innovation, and commitment.