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Fulfill the spirit of Lei Feng, build a better future together, and the Federation of Trade Unions of Hongdao Street, Chengyang District carry out free blood donation public welfare activities

The rhythm of spring light is gradually changing, and everything is beginning to update. In the vibrant March, in order to carry forward the spirit of voluntary service of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", we call on all employees to actively participate in social public welfare activities, contribute to the society with love, warm the hearts with true feelings, and create a new style of good social civilization, three month nineteen Day and twenty-six On October th, the Red Island Sub district Federation of Trade Unions held free blood donation public welfare activities of "practicing Lei Feng's spirit and building a better future together" in Chuxin Park and Qingdao Jinchuan Garment Co., Ltd sixty People sign up to participate.


    In the full expectation of everyone, the blood donation car slowly drove into the Red Island street facing the rising sun. In the blood donation team, there are not only "new people" who donate blood for the first time, but also "old people" who insist on donating blood all the year round, and "Panda Man" who is a rare blood type. Under the guidance of medical staff, we orderly completed information registration, blood pressure measurement, laboratory testing and other preparations. As a stream of red blood full of love and care flows from the donor's arm into the blood storage bag, little love converges into a torrent of blood, just like a continuous source of life, bringing hope and light to those in need. According to statistics, there are fifty-four Employees successfully donated blood, and the cumulative amount of blood donated eighteen thousand and four hundred milliliter.

     Among the blood donors, the volunteers wearing red vests everywhere are particularly eye-catching. They are all public welfare organizations affiliated to Red Island - "boat of love" volunteer service team. The organization has been established nearly six In, we often carried out various volunteer service activities such as cleaning, respecting and loving the elderly in the district, and most of the members had experience of blood donation. Lv Xiaojing in the team has donated blood continuously eight In, when she got her own blood donation certificate, she said excitedly: "It is a very glorious thing to donate blood without compensation, and it is my honor to bring love to those who really need it. A small act of kindness can make life continue. I will always persist in the future, and use my modest efforts to make the big family of society warmer".

"His own blood type is very rare, which is urgently needed in current clinical blood use. Every day, patients with this blood type are in urgent need of matching blood. As a member of the 'Panda Blood' family, when thinking that donating blood can help people in trouble in a timely manner, or even save a life, they feel extremely lucky and proud, and the strength of blood donation is even greater. " Han Guiping, a worker from the Jiayuan Community Trade Union Federation, is finishing the presentation four hundred After milliliters of blood, he said excitedly.

Every drop of blood gathers the power of life, and every love ignites the light of hope. It is an important measure to practice the spirit of Lei Feng in the new era and carry forward the new trend of social civilization by carrying out free blood donation public welfare activities to build a "red bridge" for the continuation and relay of life, and it is also a vivid embodiment of the trade union organization's "dedicated service to workers". In the next step, the Sub district Federation of Trade Unions will continue to play the role of the trade union organization as a "battle fortress", promote the normalization, institutionalization and diversification of the voluntary service activities of learning from Lei Feng, gather the great power of the majority of workers to improve, and jointly promote the vigorous development of public welfare activities in the district.