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"Warm employees are grateful for you" - Chengyang Sub district Federation of Trade Unions in Chengyang District carried out a special activity of cultural "entrepreneurship and innovation" into the grass-roots level and thanking parents for flower art DIY

five On November 11, the Chengyang Sub district Federation of Trade Unions launched a special DIY activity of cultural "two innovations" into the grassroots trade union and thanking parents for flower art, with the construction of family style as the starting point. 120 employees from enterprises and communities participated in the activity.


This activity was hosted by the Chengyang Sub district Federation of Trade Unions and undertaken by the Dongwangtuan Community Trade Union Federation. The theme of the activity is "warm employees are grateful for you", which aims to promote the integration of excellent traditional culture into good parenting and family style, meet the aspirations of the majority of employees for a better life, and inject new meaning into the life of employees.

No one can refuse the romance of a bunch of flowers, so can parents. On the occasion of Mother's Day, the majority of workers and people "spend" some time for love, with a pair of skillful hands to bestow blessings and care on each flower, and convey deep blessings and gratitude to their parents.

The diversified theme of the activity injects more elegant elements into the spiritual and cultural life of the broad masses of workers, integrates the construction of Chinese excellent traditional culture and traditional virtue education "immersion" into everyone's hearts, and creates a new image of workers in the new era of "image beauty, internal beauty, good quality of life, and good cultural quality". In the next step, the Chengyang Sub district Federation of Trade Unions will continue to carry out cultural activities with rich contents and diverse forms, lead the broad masses of workers to meet a better self together and start a better life in a new era.