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2024 Staff Fun Games Held in Hetao Street, Chengyang District

Spring breeze warms, willows grow green. In order to enrich the cultural and sports life of staff, enhance the cohesion of work execution, and better enable the creation of "one department, one highlight" and "one branch, one brand" in the street, in the afternoon of April 26, the Hetao Street 2024 Annual Staff Fun Games, sponsored by the Hetao Sub district Federation of Trade Unions and co organized by the Party Committee of the organ, was successfully held in the stadium of Chengyang No. 8 Middle School More than 200 people from enterprises, institutions and communities participated.


Shi Xiaoxiao, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Hetao Street, delivered an opening speech and announced the official opening of the Games.

This fun sports meet is a combination of fun, entertainment, collaboration and competition. It has five team events, including football riding, rolling wheels, going hand in hand, Frisbee, and Tug of War with masks. The atmosphere at the sports meeting was warm, and the staff were full of spirit and high morale. They showed a good style of unity and cooperation, and fought bravely for the first place in the competition, which won bursts of applause and continuous cheers at the scene. The final highlight of the tug of war game pushed the atmosphere of the event to a climax in an instant. The athletes of all teams made every effort to fight. The cheerleaders shouted and cheered loudly, fully reflecting the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second".

This fun sports meeting further enriched the cultural and sports life of the staff. While enjoying the happiness brought by sports, the staff also improved their team cooperation ability and further deepened the communication and feelings between the staff.

In the next step, the Hetao Sub district Federation of Trade Unions will continue to highlight the bright spot of the department of "Huigong has me, striving for first-class", focus on the key work of building a good meeting, serving well, doing well in activities, and continue to create a trade union organization with satisfactory employees and outstanding achievements, so as to contribute more trade union strength to promoting the high-quality development of Hetao.