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The Federation of Trade Unions of Hongdao Sub district, Chengyang District carried out 2023 job reporting and assessment for the chairman of non-public enterprise trade union

In order to give full play to the enthusiasm of the chairman of the non-public enterprise trade union to serve the employees, ensure that the grassroots trade unions perform their duties and responsibilities in the service work of employees, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, on November 23, the Hongdao Sub district Federation of Trade Unions organized the 2023 annual meeting on the job report and assessment of the chairman of the non-public enterprise trade union.


The post assessment is based on the actual situation and widely absorbs the opinions of employees. The scoring and assessment will be carried out from multiple dimensions, such as trade union organization construction, assistance for workers in need, mental health services for workers, safety and health systems, and member satisfaction assessment. Representatives of the trade union chairmen of Qingdao Ebon Bioengineering Co., Ltd., Qingdao Hongfu Group Co., Ltd., Qingdao Tonghui Garment Co., Ltd. and other enterprises made annual reports respectively, summarizing the implementation and completion of the highlight plan of the trade union's work in 2023, especially the work experience in the construction of the "municipal staff's home" and the selection of "all staff innovative enterprises".

The Hongdao Sub district Federation of Trade Unions affirmed the achievements made by the trade union work of the enterprise, and said that in the future work, the chairman of the grass-roots trade union should be good at doing good deeds, dutiful, improve the ability to perform their duties, serve the staff, care for the staff, unite and mobilize the majority of workers to make contributions based on their posts, and contribute to the healthy development of the enterprise.