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Cohesion, Development, Energization and Achievements -- The trade union of Qingdao Rilu Food Co., Ltd. was established

On February 15, the establishment of the trade union of Qingdao Rilu Food Co., Ltd. and the first membership representative meeting were held in the company's conference room. Thirty two member representatives attended the meeting, and the first committee and fund review committee of the trade union of Qingdao Rilu Food Co., Ltd. were elected. Liu Yonghua was elected as the chairman of the trade union.


Liu Yonghua, the newly elected chairman of the trade union, delivered his inaugural speech Said that the new trade union committee will resolutely implement to implement Trade Union Law and other laws and regulations, Actively give play to the advantages of grass-roots trade unions to build Standardized, orderly, harmonious and stable new labor relations promote the healthy and sustainable development of enterprises.

Liu Cuixiang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Hongdao Sub district, member of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, and Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions, attended the meeting and congratulated the newly elected new trade union committee At the meeting, three requirements were put forward for doing a good job in trade union work in the future: first, improve the political position, strengthen ideological guidance, and lead the majority of workers to unswervingly listen to and follow the Party Second, we should organize workers to extensively carry out labor competitions and technological innovation activities, mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of workers, constantly improve the professional skills and comprehensive quality of workers, and help enterprises develop in high quality; Third, care for employees with heart and feelings, fully perform the functions of the trade union, earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of employees, sincerely do good things for employees, do practical things, and send warmth to the hearts of employees.

next step The Red Island Sub district Federation of Trade Unions will take the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the guide, further focus on the center, serve the overall situation, and fully develop Make good use of the labor union The role of "concentric circle" is to promote the continuous development of the construction of grassroots trade unions. On the basis of the full construction of trade union organizations, focus on the establishment of trade union federations of social organizations, and highlight the role of trade unions in the new journey