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The Liuting Sub district Federation of Trade Unions in Chengyang District held the "Ankang Cup" and the knowledge contest on safety production of "changing style, improving environment, making contributions to high-quality development"

by Deeply implement Special Action of "Deepening Style and Capability and Optimizing Business Environment" Improve employees' self safety and health awareness and emergency response capability for sudden production safety accidents, help employees understand and master knowledge about production safety and occupational disease prevention, Liuting Sub district Federation of Trade Unions to nine month twenty-seven day In the afternoon, it will be held in the conference room on the first floor of Liuting Street Community Center In the "Ankang Cup" and "changing style, improving environment, and making contributions to high-quality development" safety production knowledge contest, a total of six enterprise teams participated in the knowledge contest. Li Yong, deputy secretary of the Liuting Street Party Working Committee, Guo Qun, head of the Production Protection Department of the Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions, heads of relevant departments, and enterprise employees watched the contest on the spot.


This knowledge contest has four types of questions, namely, personal must answer questions, preemptive questions, risk questions, and on-site interaction questions, covering laws and regulations, production safety knowledge law, occupational disease prevention law and other knowledge. The types of questions are flexible, focused, broad and profound. All contestants actively answer questions, and the on-site audience actively participates in them. They are highly knowledgeable and interesting. after In the fierce competition, Maersk Container, Taidong Pharmaceutical and Zhongrui Intelligent won the award of excellence, Juyuan Fitness won the third place in the group, Aptec won the second place in the group, and Liangmu Group The high score of 210 won the first place in the group.

Since this year, the Liuting Sub district Federation of Trade Unions has carried out many Ankang Cup production knowledge answering activities, which are divided into three parts: staff safety emergency skills knowledge, staff safety knowledge, and staff occupational disease prevention law knowledge. They have organized Shanshui Cement, Taidong Pharmaceutical, Zhongrui Intelligent, Liangmu and other enterprises to answer the questions, and distributed the test papers 600 copies. The competition covered fire safety, safety laws and regulations, standardized production operations and other safety related knowledge, as well as occupational disease prevention and control related knowledge. The questions were rich in types, novel in form, and close to reality. It comprehensively tested the employees' ability to store knowledge about safety production, promoted learning and application through competition, and fully mobilized everyone's enthusiasm and consciousness to learn safety knowledge.

Next, the Liuting Sub district Federation of Trade Unions will continue to strengthen the publicity and guidance of safety production, constantly create a cultural atmosphere of safety production, effectively safeguard the life safety and health rights of employees, further promote the safety production work of the whole street to a new level, and make new contributions to the construction of the new Liuting!