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Chengyang Sub district Federation of Trade Unions of Chengyang District launched the theme activity of "Civil Code Publicity Month"

In order to deepen the staff's understanding of the Civil Code and further improve their awareness of the rule of law, on May 15, the Chengyang Sub district Federation of Trade Unions invited lawyer Wang Ying of Yurui Law Firm to hold a lecture on law popularization of "Civil Code in Life - Civil Subject and Interpretation of Civil Code Contract Compilation" in Xiucheng Road Community, Chengyang Sub district.


In this event, Lawyer Wang explained the close relationship between the civil code and daily life and work in a precise and comprehensive way through "who do you belong to legally" and "how does the civil code protect our life", The present staff and workers have a deeper and more systematic understanding of the Civil Code. The Civil Code is firm and resolute. On the one hand, it affirms civil rights and on the other hand, it protects civil rights. It has prepared a detailed civil rights protection barrier, which provides an important legal guarantee for people to realize a happy life.

Through this activity, the awareness rate of the staff and workers on the Civil Code was further improved, they were guided to consciously respect, learn, abide by and use the law, and their awareness of finding the law and safeguarding their rights in accordance with the law was strengthened. Next, the Chengyang Sub district Federation of Trade Unions will take the "Civil Code Publicity Month" as an opportunity to continue to carry out civil code publicity activities, enhance the people's legal awareness and the concept of virtue and healthy life, and jointly create a good atmosphere for everyone to respect, learn, abide by and use the law.