Welcome to the official website of Qingdao Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions!

Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions launched the volunteer service activity of "labor glory and dedication"

In order to carry forward the spirit of volunteerism and give full play to the demonstration and leading role of trade union volunteers and model workers, on April 30, the Sunshine Rescue Team of Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions entered the streets of Xifu Town Tieqishan Community carried out the volunteer service activity for model workers of "Glorious Labor and Best Contribution", and provided public welfare training in the form of theoretical explanation, on-site demonstration, practical operation, etc twenty More than employees popularized emergency rescue knowledge.


District labor model District Sunshine Rescue Team Zhang Yuzhong, the team leader, combined with real cases to meet the actual needs of the staff, Key explanation Home fire Self rescue and escape Emergency rescue measures, etc. During the practical training, Captain Zhang explained the use of home fire extinguishers in detail, and Use the teaching aid model to guide everyone Carry out basic rescue skills such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hemostasis bandage and Heimlich first aid Simulated operation. The staff and workers actively participated in and practiced, and the trainers corrected their actions one by one, patiently answering the difficult and key points of various family emergency rescue.

This model worker Volunteerism was introduced into community training activities, which improved the safety emergency rescue ability of the staff and workers, and strengthened the close relationship between the trade union organization and the staff and workers We have carried forward the model worker spirit, labor spirit and craftsman spirit of the new era. In the next step, the Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions will continue to base itself on the functions of trade unions, constantly enrich the content of voluntary services, innovate the diversified forms of services, and promote voluntary service activities in the whole society.