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Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions Workers' Entrepreneurship Alliance held observation and exchange activities

Observe and exchange to promote development, new chapter of Workers' Union Exhibition. four month sixteen On the morning of the th, the Workers' Entrepreneurship Alliance of Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions held an observation and exchange activity forty People attended, Wang Zhigang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chairman of Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions, and Wang Shaobo, Vice Chairman, attended the event.


Alliance representatives observed Qingdao Xinyuda Logistics Co., Ltd Chairman of Labor Union Xu Hang And Cargo puller Cooperation and development of the platform and the company's management and operation, the company's existing operating vehicles four thousand More than ten thousand online truckers were helped to find jobs and increase their income. The company's trade union actively defended the rights and interests of workers in the new business, built the most beautiful outdoor worker service site of the trade union in China, and shared workers' homes in the new era region of Qingdao and other characteristic service sites three hundred and fifty-three Twenty new employees of the new business type have applied for mutual insurance. Visited Shandong Gongyou Pioneer Park -- The Green Angel Pioneer Park visited the park's cultural corridor and the operation center exhibition hall, Zhang Haiyang, Vice President of the Group The incubation system of the entrepreneurship park was introduced from the perspectives of business model, scientific and technological innovation, capital empowerment, etc. The headquarters park has introduced incubation two hundred More than enterprises operate nationwide eighteen Entrepreneurship parks and twenty-two Industrial parks, established three Branch industry investment fund, cluster enterprises three thousand More than, invested enterprises seventy More than, thousands of people are employed.

In the communication link, Wang Ruiqiang, the entrepreneurship tutor and chairman of Shandong Federation of Trade Unions, gave detailed and vivid entrepreneurship guidance based on his own entrepreneurial experience. He proposed that market research should be done well in the initial stage of entrepreneurship, and the areas involved should expert and essence The sustainable development of enterprises depends on continuous innovation; Don't give up when encountering difficulties in the business process. The management team should have firm confidence. Chu Yijie, Chairman of Jiada (Shandong) Industrial Group Co., Ltd Great seclusion in the city ”“ mencius ' mother moves her home three times to better her son 's education And other philosophical allusions, sharing how to use traditional cultural concepts and do a good job in enterprise management. Li Chuan, chairman of Qingdao Wibak Biotechnology Co., Ltd., shared six elements of enterprise development: clear goals, tenacious perseverance, compliant operation, increased R&D and innovation, emphasis on product design and capital planning. have other four Five representatives of the Alliance talked freely about their entrepreneurial stories and entrepreneurial processes, and shared the gains and insights of participating in the observation and exchange meeting. The atmosphere was warm and the applause continued.

Wang Zhigang, chairman of the Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions, listened carefully to the speeches made by the representatives of the Alliance, affirmed the excellent achievements of the Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions Worker Entrepreneurship Alliance since its establishment, and summarized and proposed three suggestions for the future work of the Alliance good First, good communication and cooperation. Alliance enterprises want Talk freely and exchange what you need, organize various alliance activities to enhance the vitality of the alliance. Second, the trade union provided good service. Trade unions at all levels should carefully listen to the demands of enterprises, help enterprises solve development problems, and be good workers Mother's family Third, the development prospect is good. We should give full play to our own advantages and seize high-quality development opportunities in our region.

The Chengyang District Federation of Trade Unions presented the book "Eternal Fire" by Zhang Ruimin, the founder of Haier Group, to the participants.