Send festival blessings to the children of the whole city; pay Chaoyang to celebrate the "June 1st" International Children's Day with children

2024-05-31 10:15 Putian

Yesterday, at Yifu Experimental Primary School in Chengxiang District, Fu Chaoyang watched the science "model show", talked with students cordially, and went to the pool to experience the trial ship model. Photographed by full media reporter Cai Hao


Putian Online News On the occasion of the arrival of the "June 1" International Children's Day, on the afternoon of May 30, Fu Chaoyang, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, came to Chengxiang District Yifu Experimental Primary School to celebrate the festival with everyone. On behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, he extended holiday blessings to children in the city, and paid high tribute to teachers and children workers. Municipal leaders Yuan Suling, Gao Yu and Lin Shaowen attended together.

From the playground to the classroom, Yifu Experimental Primary School is full of laughter and childlike sounds. After entering the campus, the Young Pioneers' representative tied a bright red scarf to Fu Chaoyang and his entourage and saluted the Young Pioneers. "Happy holidays, children!" Fu Chaoyang waved to everyone, watched Putai Children's Traditional Chinese Painting Painting Exhibition with interest, and asked carefully "who created this painting" and "what's the meaning of this painting". The Red Scarf narrator told the concept of "one family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, one family on Putai" expressed in the work, which was sincerely praised by the people present.

In the school science exhibition hall, a new science "model show" is in progress. The students took the initiative to introduce the principle of small scientific production of power helicopters and ship models. Fu Chaoyang watched and talked while asking "Can this ship be launched?" and "What do you feel from the model production?" They also went to the pool to experience the trial voyage together. The wonderful garden activities of "Guochao Childhood" attracted Fu Chaoyang and his party to watch. After listening to the music "Clear Jade Lake Water" played by Hulusi, Fu Chaoyang said affectionately, "Putian also has a bay of clear jade lake water, which is the valuable ideological wealth, spiritual wealth and practical achievements left by Grandpa Xi's efforts to promote the governance of Mulan Creek". He hoped that everyone would love ecology, embrace nature, and strive to be a "little guard" of environmental protection. The lively Putian nursery rhymes are heard, and the body style of the Dan character is euphemistic and beautiful. Fu Chaoyang fully affirms the school's teaching method of combining education with entertainment, encourages the integration of Putian elements such as wood carving skills, dialect operas, and ten tone eight music, and "inherits and promotes the excellent traditional culture, and inspires children's sincere feelings of love for their hometown!"

Fu Chaoyang was very happy to see the children's self-confidence, self-improvement and vitality. He also participated in fun riddles, watched labor skills competitions, and communicated with students and teachers on the spot. In the survey, Fu Chaoyang stressed that children are the future of the country and the hope of the nation. We should adhere to the principle of "five educations", improve the education system of comprehensive cultivation of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, pay attention to cultural people and virtue, guide students to be filial to their parents, respect their teachers, and love their classmates, and care for children "growing up in the sun" with heart and soul. Teachers and educators should remember the lofty mission of teaching and educating people, teach students in accordance with their aptitude without discrimination, devote themselves to teaching, be willing to be a human ladder, and write a wonderful story of "peaches and plums are everywhere, and the spring sun is everywhere". Party committees and governments at all levels should thoroughly implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on education, implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people according to the work requirements of the provincial party committee and government, effectively reduce the burden on schools, return education to its essence, constantly improve the quality of education and teaching, run an education satisfactory to the people, and "jointly support the future of Putian". (Full media reporter Huang Guoqing)